1.06; mansion

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Emily's favorite part of working at Rocque Records was when Kelly and Gustavo went on business trips to scout new talent. She always got a few days off and embraced every second.

The last time her superiors took a trip, they brought back four hockey players. This time Emily was stuck with the hockey players.

The same hockey players who stood in the recording booth before her, singing the first song she's written and presented to her boss.

You wanna be famous (famous), you wanna be the one who's livin' the life.

"And cut!" Gustavo called to the guys.

"It sounded great, right?" Kendall asked, proud of their work.

"No. Green day sounds great. You guys didn't make me want to vomit."

Emily and Kelly gave each other a tired glance as Gustavo muted the booth so he couldn't hear their protests. Each girl smacked the man on the back of his head, making him groan in pain and spin in his chair to face them.

"Why can't you tell them they sound good?" Kelly asked.

"Or thank them for all their hard work?" Emily added.

Gustavo took off his headphones, "Showing thanks is a sign of weakness. And besides, you don't hear them thanking me," He retorted, just as the boys came out of the booth.

"Gustavo," Kendall called, his friends following behind. "We just wanted to thank you."

Emily smirked at the irony of the situation as the boys talked over one another, thanking the producer.

"I just wanted to say... You guys are... done for the day," Gustavo slurred out, Emily sighing at his harsh exterior and interior. "Kelly and I are off to North Carolina," He told the boys.

"Ooh, can you bring us back a tar heel?" Carlos asked, excitedly.

"Ooh, I'm thinking about bringing back a hot new band, that I can replace you with when you inevitably fail me," the man mocked, walking out with Kelly and a shrugging Emily.

The girl could hear the shouts of fear from the boys trailing behind her. The boys stopped besides Emily, facing Gustavo and Kelly.

"You're not gonna replace us, not after you see my new head shots," James said, whipping out two new headshots of himself. "One hot young doctor, one hot greasy mechanic."

"Ooh, I'll put these with the others," Gustavo told the boy, taking the headshots and throwing them furiously in the air, causing a yelp out of James who scrambled to catch them. Emily outwardly rolled her eyes at his attitude.

"Kelly, who'd you get to house-sit my mansion?" Gustavo asked, walking into his office.

"Oh, you said that you would take care of that," She told him, defending herself.

"There is no way I would have ever said-"

Kelly pulled out a small recorder, hitting a button, and playing back the recorded voice of Gustavo.

"Kelly, I'll find someone to house-sit my mansion. "

As the man groaned in defeat, Emily turned to the boys, "We record everything now," telling them of their new strategy. The boys nodded in approval.

"You can play your blame game later. Meanwhile, who's gonna dust my 100-inch plasma, feed my exotic pets," Emily tensed up at the feeling of someone inching right behind her, "And make sure my $1 million media room stays set at 68 degrees?" Gustavo rhetorically asked.

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