3.07; decision

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"And you only hit him once?" 

Logan sat on the counter, contently sipping his juicebox when James began recounting the days events after his girlfriend left the room. He had just finished hearing about Emily's brush with Beau, the fight, and then Lucy throwing the necklace at his face. Logan knew all about Emily's experiences. He was there when she got Hawk arrested, but aside from the few conversations they had on the spot, she made it a habit of distracting him and changing the subject anytime he tried to bring it up and talk to her about it. 

"Dude, there was a lot going on, I was in shock," James defended, before leaning in, checking to make sure Emily hadn't come back in the room. "She says she's okay for now, but don't bring it up, and if it is mentioned when you're around her, don't make a big deal about it, okay?"

Putting the thought out of his mind, Logan nodded, "Okay." 

The door swung open, Kendall frantically diving into the room. James smirked, seeing the best friend, "So you get that date with Lucy?" 

Unresponsive, Kendall turned around, burying himself into the tall, yet narrow, locker besides the door, closing himself in. James furrowed his eyebrows, turning to Logan who got up to inspect the situation, also confused. 

Before the boys could question Kendall, the door flew open again, Carlos sprinting in, carrying a large box, with an equally large grin on his face. "Guess what was banned in all 50 states, but I got the last two bottles of!"

"Please don't show up," Logan said. 



Emily's voice rang through the apartment from the back bedroom. She perked her head up from reorganizing the boy's disguise bucket which included all things costumes, masks, makeup, paint, and any other tools used to disguise yourself. Tree hats were a separate box. 

Carlos had a habit of wanting to talk late at night, unable to fall asleep. A couple of times, he found himself on Emily's couch watching her documentaries she kept recorded on her TV to put him to sleep. The Zom-B-Gon commercials made an appearance every commercial break and Emily and Carlos had memorized the entire thing. 

"From that late night commercial?" She questioned, shouting from her spot on the floor. Emily quickly began throwing the things back in the bucket, a sloppy mess, forgetting all about her ambitions to organize it for the guys and decided she had to see the Zom-B-Gon instead. 

Emily stumbled to her feet, kicking the bucket back under the bed, making her exit from the door back into the main room. 

"Jo?" Her heard the boys say. 

She peeked around the corner, seeing the guys. "Jo?" She repeated, her best friend coming to mind, wondering how she played a part in Zom-B-Gon. Emily followed their gaze, crossing around the kitchen table. "Jo!

A loud shriek rang through the entire Palm Woods as Emily sprinted out the door, tackling her best friend in a hug. Jo Taylor stood, smiling at Emily, her stress from the Kendall situation faded for a moment. 

"You're back," Carlos gasped, shutting the top window to the locker where he found Kendall, the guys nervously watching the two girls, realizing why Kendall was in lock down. 

Emily finally let Jo go, retracting her arms from around the girl, stepping back to let her breathe. "I'm looking for Kendall," Jo told them, glancing around the crib. 

"We haven't seen him."

"He's not here."

"We don't know where he is."

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