Chapter 1

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It was very noisy at the city hospital, after all, the most wanted criminal was there.

He was taken to prison when they got under attack. They had the most capable detective with them so he saved the day.

The criminal got injured and the detective was shot by a gun. 

"Nurse, please, I am fine. I have more important work to do. He is a very dangerous criminal and I have to keep my eyes on him. You just fix him fast." Chief Detective, Elijah Stein, requested.

"But sir, you got shot. You need to let me check your wound. It could be serious. You are bleeding continuously." The nurse tried to make him understand.

"It's just a scrape. I told you I am fine. Let go of me." Elijah always gives priority to his duty then himself. He is a dedicated police officer.

"Sir, please, let me do my job...Sir please, sit down..." The nurse had the tools in her one hand and was trying to stop Elijah with her other hand.

"What's going on? Why is it so loud here?" asked the person who blocked Elijah from exiting the room.

"Doctor, he is not getting treatment. He got shot by a gun." Informed the nurse.

"I told you it is nothing but just a scratch...ouch...ouch...what the hell are you doing?" Elijah was telling the nurse off but the doctor took his wounded arm in her hand and squeezed it.

"It doesn't seem like nothing. You are hurt." Head surgeon, Jane Smith, said examining the wound from outside.

"If you squeeze it then obviously it will hurt." Then he looked behind the crazy doctor who just blocked him.

"What are you doing here? I gave you a clear order to stay in the room with the prisoner." Elijah shouted at one of his team members.

"Captain, he is under anesthesia, he won't be running away in this condition. You should get yourself fixed first." The team member advised Elijah.

"You do your duty. Go and... What the hell woman? What are you doing?" Elijah was instructing his man but Jane started to drag him in the room towards the examination bed.

"Don't shout. It's a hospital, not your police station. As a Captain, you should know about the importance and the responsibility of our duties. You have done your duty so now let me do mine." With that, she cut his sleeve.

"Who do you think you are talking to? With what authority are you ordering me?" Elijah asked but he sat there without moving and let Jane clean his wound.

"I am your doctor and you are my patient," Jane replied calmly while cleaning his wound.

"I really don't need..." Jane ignored him and looked at the nurse, who was enjoying their bickering.

"You can go now. I will handle him." She said to the nurse.

"Yes, doctor." The nurse replied and got out of the room.

"Listen, doctor, I am talking to you." Elijah said, irritated by Jane's ignorance.

"Yeah, yeah," Jane replied still indifferent to his complaints.

"Are you purposely ghosting on me to irritate me?" Elijah asked seriously.

"I have more important work to do than play with a child." She replied.

He was telling the truth, there was no bullet in his body but it was not just a scratch, it was a gash.

"See, it's nothing serious. Now let me go. I need to check upon the prisoner." He said.

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