Chapter 15

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Elijah's POV

Okay, it was a mistake. I mean what was I expecting from an old man who had been single for years, to suggest to me for my 'girl problem'?

But still, doesn't he know me? Or did he not understand my issue with her? How hard it is to realize that this girl, a troublemaker, to be exact, keeps on lurking in my head, when I don't want her to be. 

But what was his suggestion? I should go and just sleep with her. He believes that this is happening to me because I didn't get laid in years. How ridiculous.

I cursed out loud again. Everyone in the car was startled. Han was sitting in the passenger's seat and Kareem and Gabb were sitting at the back. I saw them exchanging glances. I was not in the mood to explain it to anyone.

We reached the safe house. I instructed the others to check the security. Kareem went to look for the security room and checked all the technical things. I went inside. Diana was playing with some toys and her parents were just sitting beside her and talking slowly. Her dad saw me first. He stood up to greet me.

"Good morning detective."

"Morning sir. Was everything okay the previous night?" 

"Yes, everything was okay but none of us could sleep." Diana's mom said as she patted her head.

"It will take time to adjust to your current situation but I can guarantee you your safety. My team is here to check on things again." I looked at the little one who was hiding behind her mom. She was still not comfortable with me. "Diana, is she ready to answer a few questions?" I asked her parents. They looked at each other and then the girl. They seemed worried but delinquently nodded their heads.

"Diana, darling, the Detective's uncle wants to ask you something. Will you talk to him?" Her mom asked her cooingly. Diana peeked at me and nodded.

"Don't be scared dear. I will not hurt you."

"Oh, she is not scared of you." Her mom said. I saw her dad's expression change.

"If she is not afraid then why hide away from me?"

"Oh! She is shy. She told us that she thinks you are handsome, that's why she is shy in front of you."

Okay, that was something beyond my thinking. She is just a child. I don't know how to react in this situation. Should I smile or should I just continue with my questions?

"Diana, come and let's talk. Now that I found out that you are not scared of me." I tried to lighten the mood. She slowly walks to me. Her parents sat on the other couch and we both sat on the next one to them. "So, how are you feeling? Are you still hurt anywhere?" I started with that to see how well she can answer the real questions. I turned on the recorder.

She looked at the recorder very curiously so I handed it to her. "You can hold it in your hand but just don't touch this button, okay?" She eagerly nodded and started playing with the recorder. Maybe if her mind were divided, she might not revisit that day while telling about it.

"So, do you remember the guy who took you to the terrace?" I avoided saying words like kidnap or lock, it might trigger her bad memories. She just nodded her head. "Say your answer dear, we are recording your voice, remember?"

"Yes." She nodded again still looking at the recorder.

"Have you seen that man or anyone weird before that day?" I asked. I was hoping she could give us something productive. She stayed quiet for quite some time and then bobbed her head again.

"They were at school. That bad man and one more with him. Standing at the gate some days before." She is a kid, her talking is still not clear but I got what I wanted.

"Good, if I show you some picture will you identify that other man?" I thought I might get one more suspect. She took her time again and then shrugged her shoulder. That was not a good sign. 

Wait, I have a clue.

"Okay, can you tell me which side of the gate or on which gate did you see them?" I could get the C CTV footage if I could get a little more details. She nodded again.

"I was coming out of the front gate and they were..." Then she extended her arms out and looked at both of them very intently. She raised her left arm and looked at her mom, "Mom, this is left arm, right?" Her mom said yes. Diana looked at me and showed me her left arm and continued, "They were on the left side and the bad man was smoking and the grey t-shirt wearing guy was talking on the phone." Diana completed her statement. 

She gave me more than enough. We can find him easily now. I thanked them and told them to be at ease. Others had already completed their jobs so we left the safe house together. 

I told Gabb and Han to go and look for the CCTV footage and Kareem and I went to the station. The new Chief will join us today. He might already be at the station now.

We entered the station when an officer came and informed me that the new Chief is looking for me. I prepared myself for another airheaded man. 

I was thinking of ways to show him who runs this station, and how I will work in my ways, but when I entered, I forgot everything else.

"I was waiting for you, officer." He said as I entered the office. I could not explain my situation at the moment. Because he is someone who trusts my decision but also someone I could never go against.

"Uncle Clark, I haven't seen you in ages." It was a pleasant surprise, to be honest. He stood up and opened his arms. He is a big hugger. I went to him and he engulfed me in a tight hug. It was awkward on my part only.

"You have grown up so much."

"It's not that long, we met on New Year's Eve."

"Still, it's been a few months to that." He laughed and sat down and told me to do so. "Now, give me the report on the current situation of your station. Why is it so messed up in here." He said as he was looking at some of the files.

"I know, I don't know where to start. To be honest I don't know much either. I didn't suspect him to be involved that deeply." I told him.

"Then let me start." He handed me a file. I opened it. It has the report on my case and some instructions. "They let you handle the case on one condition only. I will be the direct in charge of this case. You will not do anything without my knowledge."

Okay, I knew this could not be that easy. He might be the Chief but they deputed him here to keep strains on me. I have no option but to comply with that.

It is going to be hard after this. Uncle Clark can be really stubborn at times. I already have such a troublemaker in my life I didn't want one more.


Hello dearies. I know it is very very late. But please don't hate me much.

Hope you guys liked the chapter. See you guys with the next one sooner this time.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2023 ⏰

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