Chapter 9

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Jane's POV

I woke up with a banging head and an eerie quiet room. I already knew where I was. Where else could I be after the breakdown in front of those officers? 

He saw me in that state. I can't even wish for him to come to see me even if my heart was screaming for his warmth.

Am I never going to get out of this mental state of mine? I am so tired already of getting admitted to the hospital myself. I don't know when I will be able to practice again. If I stay away from the operation theater too long then getting back in there will be very hard.

Is my career going to end here?

"Stop...stop right there." I looked towards the door from where that rude voice came.

"Stop what Oman?" I asked.

"Stop overthinking about whatever you were thinking about." He sighed and came and sat beside me. "When did you start to come to hospital for totally different reasons? I am planning to book one VIP room for you permanently so that it will be less headache."

"I almost died and you are being sarcastic."

"What else could I do? You did not tell me about going to the police station. How could you be so careless? You could have told them that you are not ready to talk about it."

"But I wanted to go. I want to find out who did that to Jenna."

"By risking your own life? You are behaving so immaturely. Don't you understand that you will not get over this accident if you didn't give yourself time to actually let go of it? You haven't talked about that incident to anyone. Did you tell them what happened?"

"I didn't get the chance. They were not talking about the incident but asking me if Jenna was involved in something illegal, like really? Oh God! Bless her soul. How could they question the victim herself?"

"It's their job Janny. You know they were doing what they could to find out the truth. That's why I said that you are not ready for all this." I didn't say anything. I already knew he was right.

Just then we heard a knock on the door. Oman called them in. My heart accelerated thinking of him. But soon after it died down. It was not him.

"Hello, ma'am. How are you doing now?" It was the man from the police station, who was questioning me and banged the table angrily. I must be on anesthesia because I was calm even though my mind was warning me.

"I am good, thank you." I tried to force a smile. I knew he was doing his duty. Behind him came the girl who took me there, Gabriella was her name, I guess.

"Miss Smith, how are you feeling? Hope you are recovering well." She asked the same.

"Yes, I am. I am not that weak. You are worrying too much. I am sorry that I couldn't be of any use."

"Please don't say that. We are already sorry for what you had to go through, right Kareem?" Gabriella said looking pointedly at Kareem. I smiled at how embarrassed he looked. Only then I remembered Oman being in the room. But when I looked at him, his eyes were stuck on one thing or should I call it one particular person. He looked amazed. I followed his eyes' direction and then I understood that Kareem was not being shy about what happened yesterday but because of a certain stare he was getting from Oman. I coughed to bring Oman back to the present. He looked away immediately and glared at me.

"Oman, this is Gabriella and Kareem. They are officers from yesterday. And he is Doctor Oman, he is a surgeon and my best friend." I introduced them. But as Oman heard that they are officers his expression towards them changed suddenly. He frowned and just nodded at them. I saw Kareem looked detached and Gabriella looked confused.

"She needs rest. You should leave now." Oman told them sternly.

 "Oman, they are here to visit me. Be good."

"Don't, Janny. What happened yesterday should not have happened. I am already mad at you; I don't want them to trigger your anxiety again."

"They are here to just ask about my health."

"We are sorry about yesterday and for coming here today." Kareem said upset and was ready to leave.

"It's nothing like that Officer. He is just being rude. I am sorry for his behavior." I told him. Oman was going out of line. "Oman, you said yourself that they were doing their duty so why are you being so rude." I didn't understand him.

"I didn't say that they did not. I just want them to know the seriousness of your condition."

"I am totally fine."

"Like hell you are. You will stay in this room until tomorrow and even after taking your first session with a psychologist."

"I don't need a psychologist, Oman. I just need some time to clear my head."

"You are not a psychologist. Let them tell you what you need or what not. Until you get the clear chit from the doctor, you will not go anywhere near that police station or take any part in the investigation. I will take care of the medical report if needed."

"There is no need for that. We won't be calling her to come to the station. We already found..." Kareem was about to say something but Gabriella stopped him.

"Caption will take care of it. He didn't want you to come to the station in the first place, but it is a very serious case so the seniors ordered to solve it as fast as we could." Gabriella explained. Hearing that he tried to stop me from going to the station made my heart leap with happiness. That means he care.

"Yeah, he strictly ordered us to not force you to answer something if you are not comfortable but as Gabb said this case is taking heat on the internet so we have to solve it fast and fairly. I am sorry, I didn't know that you were suffering this much from the incident." Kareem added.

"It's okay. Even I didn't expect that to happen. I thought I could help you to find out the culprit but the questions were not what I expected. I... I was..."

She died and no one knows who did it. The murderer is roaming free. Will he do that to someone else too? Will I be the next?

My mind was not stopping from thinking about those thoughts. I was really trying very hard to stop myself to think about it. In my head, I was shouting to stop thinking but it was too late. My breath was already choking in my throat and the blackness was clouding my eyes slowly. It was painful, my chest was aching.

I am dying.


Hello guys. Hope you liked it. I know it's very late but again I will try to write the next chapter right away.

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