Chapter 10

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Elijah's POV

"Everyone is here?" I asked Gabb as I entered the house.

"Yes, Cap." She said as we went to the hall. I saw all of my team sitting around the table.

"Will you tell me now, why your whole team is raiding my house?" My foster dad, Anson asked.

"We are your favorites, sir." Han said with a toothy smile.

"I will not give you another bowl of noodles Han, no use for buttering me." My dad said as he came and put dishes on the dining table. "Will you eat first or the matter is too serious?" He asked me.

"We will have to discuss it first. You should join, I might need your expertise." I asked him.

"Why not? I was getting bored these days."

"Why don't you try dating again, Anson? You still look young." Gabb suggested. She always had a thing for him.

"I already told him many times to find someone but he never listens." I said.

"It's not like I don't listen, these days it's hard to meet someone with pure intentions." He said. Well, I get that. "But leave me, what about your captain? He is getting old and still didn't get a girlfriend." He complained.

"Why are you dragging me into this? Now can we get onto the case? I don't have time to waste on this."

We all gathered around and I opened the file of evidence that I had and no one knew about it.

"People from the top are manipulating the case. I think they are using the teacher as a scapegoat." I told them as I gave them the file and they all rotated the file after looking at the evidence that I secretly collected.

"But there are many evidences against the teacher. Even her school authority also confirmed her suspicious behavior." Kareem said.

"And I didn't find any disturbance in the evidence that was provided to us." Han added.

"But these all can be forged. If the police department is also involved in this then it is easy for them to get rid of the evidence or change it." Gabb said. That's what I was trying to say.

"But why would our higher-up get involved in this case? They know how controversial it is." Kareem said.

"The chief has been trying to hurry in the case and he was trying to keep me away from doing a deeper investigation." I said in my case.

"He is not trying to keep you away from the case but just that doctor." Kareem said winking at me.

The nerve of this kid. He wishes to die.

"Don't murder me in your head. You know only your doctor is the one who said that the teacher was a good person. Is that the reason you are looking for another angle on this case?" Kareem mocked me.

That's not entirely correct but I won't admit to that.

"What doctor? Why don't I know about her?" Dad asked.

"Oh! It's very interesting, she is a..." Han started blurting out nonsense but I stopped him.

"Will you guys concentrate on the case now? We don't have time to fu*k around." I said and everyone went quiet.

"No bad language in my house, boy." My dad scolded me. I sighed and got back to the case without arguing. It's his house, his rule. It has always been.

"Now, no one will question me unnecessarily. I have my reason and evidence to prove my claim. Han, you did the background check on her and I got to meet some of the parents of the students she taught. Not a single parent said anything bad about her. They only said that their kids improved mentally and academically because of her. I am not saying this just because of them, but as Jane said that she had her parents to take care of. I checked her bank account, there was nothing suspicious. Not a single transaction was out of the ordinary. I asked about her salary and everything came under it. She sent a fixed amount to her parents every month for their medicines and bills. Even if she didn't send the money earned from trafficking to her parents because she doesn't want to get caught or maybe she didn't care about her parents but at least she had used that money on herself. I went to check her room again. There was not a single thing expensive or branded. That girl was using a phone with a broken screen. She lived a very humble life; then why did she need that kind of money? She didn't have to give this much effort to her job if she was earning good enough. This all doesn't make sense." I finished saying everything in one go. I couldn't have these people interrupting again. The room was silent to the point where I could hear their breathing. They were all in deep thoughts. The first one to break the silence was my dad.

"What you are saying makes sense, but the big question is why are your seniors and the school trying to frame that girl?" My dad said.

"Maybe..." Gabb wanted to say something but stopped herself.

"What is it, Gabb? Say it."

"Maybe the one behind these all kidnapping and this murder is someone influential enough to control both school and the police." She words her doubts.

"It's obviously someone very powerful but how can we find out, who he is?" Kareem said.

"We can not find out if we investigate the Police department because almost every powerful person is somehow connected with police. We can only have a clue if we look into the school's connections." Dad said.

"Let's look into the benefactors of the school or the owner. Do the background check on all of them. We will narrow down the list once we get that, we can look into it."

"But what about the doctor?" Dad asked. Everyone turned to look at him. "What? I am saying if there is someone powerful behind this all, do think it is safe to leave her unguarded seeing she is closely related to that girl." As he was saying those words the fear of something bad happening to her made my head spin. I stood up abruptly which made the chair fall behind. I took hold of my hair to think of my next move. I wanted to run to her. But the opened case file on the table, was stopping me from doing what my mind and heart were screaming to do.

"Boss, calm down. Nothing can happen to her. She is in a VIP room in the hospital. She has her friends and staff there to look out for her. And you can just see her tomorrow." Gabb said which made my heartbeat come to its normal pace. I breathe deeply. And looked up at everyone, they all were looking at me with shock except for Gabb. Only then it settled in my head,

Why the hell did I behave like that? My mind and body were not in my control. I have no answer for all the questioning stares I was getting. This never happened to me.

I was overwhelmed with the situation so I decided to leave the room and went inside my room and sat on the corner of my bed. I didn't want to think of her but what dad said was drumming in my ears but I reminded myself what Gabb said to me about her being safe in the hospital. I Don't know after how long I went for a shower and went into the bed. But what I know is that I had a dream, a very scary dream, about her being hurt. Which made me wake up earlier than usual.

I really want to see her, but I can't. Not until I figure out what exactly my issue is?


Hello dearies. I know it's late. I myself was feeling bad about it.

But to compensate for it, I will update the next chapter just after this one.

Next chapter will be very interesting, so wait with me.

See you guys later.

The Beast and the Beautyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن