Chapter 6

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Jane's POV

My head, I must be because of lack of blood in my head. 

I groaned and tried to sit up. I saw I had an IV attached to my left arm. I moved towards the front of my hospital bed. I felt the papers in my hand. I pulled out my medical report file. I sat back and opened it. I looked at every report. 

Everything seems normal. Just a little jump in blood pressure, well that's perfectly fine in this situation...

And just like that everything came down like a waterfall over me. She didn't deserve that. She was a dedicated teacher and loved by everyone. She cared for everyone around her. She really didn't deserve to die so painfully. 

No, no one deserves that. No human should be doing something horrible like that.

I shook my head but it was a mistake. My head started to feel even more dizzy. I took out the IV and got off the bed. I looked for my dress and changed it in the attached bathroom. They had me in the VIP room, I didn't know I was that important. Abd in that one moment I didn't think of the night before. 

So that's it. That's all I need to do. I will get myself busy, so that my mind doesn't roam here and there.

Wait, where is he? He said he will stay here. 

I went out of the room and saw one of the nurses standing just outside. "Where is the detective?" I asked.

"Doctor, how are you feeling right now? Are you sure you can get up this early?" She asked, ignoring my question.

"I am fine, thanks. Can you tell me now?" 

"Oh! He left early. I think he got a call and then he left." She replied.

"Okay, thanks." And I started to go to the Emergency Room. I didn't notice someone coming from behind.

"You know, other doctors are capable enough that they can handle at least until you get better. You should get back to your room. If CMO saw you out here, he will eat us up." It was Oman. He is always like this.

"Everyone here is more capable then me. And I am fine. I just need distraction."

"Jane, I know you are going through so much but please understand that you may not need physical rest but you have to get your head straight to be working in ER. You know it better." 

"Oman, I said I am fine that means I can handle the pressure. I just need to get it off my mind. Please help." I requested. He sighed and I cheered inside. I knew I had won.

"Okay, but you will back off the moment you feel that you can't handle. Okay?" Oman instructed.

"Okay, I promise." After that the day was going as usual. I was taking patients as I usually did without any hiccups. A nurse came up to me.

"Doctor, you have an operation scheduled this afternoon. The OT3 is ready for you." She said as she looked at the patient I was treating. I told her to wait at the OT and treated the patient first. After that I went to the changing room to get ready for the operation.

Am I fine to be operating on someone? But I had been operated on so many patients and have 100% result, so it will be okay. Right?

I had so many doubts but I ignored them and buckled up myself for the operation. I was sure of myself. I entered the OT and everyone was ready and waiting for me. I was the head surgeon for this operation. I had a fourth-year resident assisting me for the surgery.

"Everyone ready?" I asked. Everyone nodded and said yes to the question, "So, let's get started." 

This will pass out. I just have to make a cut to stop the bleeding and fix the thigh bone and the assistant will patch the patient up. It is easy Jane. You have done it numerous times; you can do it one more time. 

I pep talked to myself and asked for the scalpel. I took a deep breath and looked at my team and got down with it. The assistant applied PVP-I to disinfect the operating area and I made a cut. Immediately blood oozed out. It was normal, I had to make a deep cut but the second time I made the cut the blood came up on my whole hand...

Blood... blood everywhere. Jenna.

I looked around, I was standing in the same place, in my apartment. Jenna was lying there on the floor, covered with her own blood. I looked down at my hands; they were also covered in blood.

Is it her blood? Did I kill her? We did have an argument that day. Is it because of that?

My breath I tried to take in air but nothing, nothing was coming through my mouth. I felt dizzy again. The scalpel slipped from my hand. I sat down.

"Doctor, doctor..." One of the nurses put an oxygen mask over my face. I took a deep breath and the dark dots that started to blind my head started to fade away. Then I heard the emergency alarm that was buzzing and they a team of doctors entered the room. I was taken out of the OT and took to the room next to it. 

"Are you okay?" Oman asked. He looked panicked.

"The he alright?" I asked. I left a patient open there.

"He will be fine. It was nothing serious but a simple surgery. You didn't harm him. You took your hands the moment you felt unwell." The nurse said. She was in the OT with me.

"Thank God."

"Don't thank God just yet." Oman said.

"I am in trouble, right?"

"What do you think?" He said angrily. "I told you that you are not ready to even enter the ER but still you dared to enter in an Operation Theater?" He shook his head and clutched his hair in fists. "You know what, I used to look up to you. Not just me, but the whole hospital, and this is how irresponsible you are behaving. What if you were doing some serious surgery today and not just a thigh fixing, then?" He sighed loudly and looked at me. His eyes were blazing with anger. I never knew he could get this angry. He is always a bubbly person. Too cheery to be a heart doctor, no offence. But today I was seeing another side. He was about to say something else when we heard the door open.

"Doctor Jane, if you are fine then come to my office, now." It was CMO. 


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