Chapter 5

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Jane's POV

I was going home. It was a long day. I just wanted to go and sleep. I entered the room, but it was not mine. I looked around. It seemed that I had been here. I saw that someone was in the kitchen and suddenly a little girl came running from behind me. Where did she come from?

"Jane, darling, your dad and I have to leave for the Charity function, Aunt June will be here soon. Be a good girl and don't trouble her too much. Okay?"

"Yes mama." The girl replied in her sweet childish voice. Her mom bent and kissed her head.

What happened? Where am I now? 

"Where is mama papa? Aunt June said they are here." I was somewhere else now. I heard that little girl said. 

"They are here love. You can come and visit them here." Uncle Dan said. I looked where he was pointing. They were in the graveyard. Suddenly my heart ached. I clutched my cheat to stop it.

The scene changed again. 

"I will write you letters."

"You will?" 

"Yes, of course."

I saw two little kids talking. One of them was that little girl. I knew who she was and what was going on.

"Jenna...?" I saw someone in my apartment. I saw a person in all black. I could not see its face. But it was not Jenna because she was in the other room.

Jenna... blood...

"No, Jenna run." I screamed from the top of my lungs. She is in danger. I can save her. I have to save her.

"Jenna... Jenna, look here. You have to run." I was trying so hard to get her attention but she didn't seem to hear me. That person was approaching her.

"No, don't hurt her. Leave her. Jenna... please.... Please listen to me...Jenna..." All of my screaming was of no use. And the next thing I saw was blood. Her blood. Everywhere. They killed her. 

I screamed it terror. That person looked at me. I could not see its face again. They approached me. "'t hurt me...please don't hurt."



"We have to give her anesthesia. She will hurt herself at this rate.

"Jane...can you hear me?" I felt someone there. It was safe. Thier touch, I could feel it and I felt safe. I reached out for it. I grasped it as my life depends on it, which actually did. That scary person was approaching me. 

Wait where it is? Is he gone?

"I am right here. Doctor. Can you hear me? Open your eyes. Calm down. No one will hurt you. I won't let anyone hurt you. Trust me." I heard his voice. I know who he is.

"Elijah." I said as I grabbed him tightly. 

"Yes, doctor. I am here. See, you are fine. You are at the hospital." I slowly opened my eyes to see him sitting very close to me. His eyes, they were the first thing that I noticed. They looked troubled. 

Was it because of me? Should I be happy that he cares or be guilty that I made him worry?

" was...Jenna." And saying her name made me relive that moment again. But before mt mind could go back to that scene, he took my face in his hands and made me look him in the eyes.

"I know and I am sorry that you have to see that. I am sorry that I could not reach you fast enough. I am sorry for everything. You just calm down a little. No one in here will hurt you." As he said in here only then I turned my face to see how many people were in the room. My body started to heat up from embarrassment. I could tell by the small smile on his beautiful lips that my face had changed color also. There were nurses, doctors and even the CMO was there.

Am I going to die? Why are there so many people here?

"Let me check her, officer. You can wait outside." Oman said. He stood up but I was still holding his hand tightly. He looked at our interlocked hands and gave it a squeeze. 

"I am just outside." He said as he exited the room. Oman took my hand in his to check and said something but my eyes were at the door and mind was with filled with his smile.

"Jane... Are you listening to me?"

"She might still be asleep." That brought my attention. "She wanted to keep the officer all to herself." She completed.

"The poor girl is still in shock." It was Mr. Singh, CMO. "Dr Oman, how is she?" He asked Oman.

"Her vitals are stable. She seems fine but still I will ask for other tests to be sure." He replied professionally.

"You guys are talking like I am not here." I looked at CMO, "Thank you, that you have come here to check on me, but I am fine. I need to talk to the officer."

"Yes, we can see that. I am leaving. You better take care of yourself. You know the ER can not work properly without you. So, get on your feet as fast as you can." With that he left.

"Jane, tell me how you are feeling?" Oman asked as other doctors and nurses also left except for two nurses to assist Oman.

"Let me see..." I gave it a thought and examined every part pf my body. "Okay, I have headache, a killing one, I have sore back and my throat is aching too." I told him however I was feeling.

"Okay, about your back, it might be from how long you were laying in one position and your throat is aching because of how much you were screaming in your sleep. About the headache, so much has happened so obviously. But I will run a few tests and tell you what comes out. Okay? Now rest I will send your Officer inside."

He is not mine. I whispered.

"Yeah, we all saw how you two were in your own bubble just a few minutes ago." He replied and left.

I was looking at the door. My heart was beating fast. But I didn't know why? Was it because of what happened at the apartment or what it was because of how safe I felt with him, and at that moment what I wanted the most was safety and assurance?

He was still not coming. Dread was filling my heart slowly. Where is he? Why is he not here? He told me he will be outside. Then what is taking him so much time?

Then the door opened and a small smile reached my lips but as the person entered it was not him. It was one of the nurses.

"Doctor, the officer handed me this note." I took the note from her hand and thanked her. She left. I opened it. And after reading it, I could not decide how I felt. I was hurt, but didn't know why? I was angry, but didn't know with whom? I felt something was missing in me, but could not point out what?

'Hye, I got a call from the station. I will send someone else to ask you some questions. Hope you will get well soon.'


Hope you enjoyed it. See you guys soon.

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