Chapter 12

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Elijah's POV

When I saw that the girls are at safe distance and those men were under control. I took a breath of relief. I was so angry that I was ready to kick those bastards' but before that, the police cars reached the scene. I saw Han coming out from one of the cars so, I ordered him to take the scum from my hand. 

I just wanted to check up on the girls. They were away from the car and the taxi, where those kidnappers were. They were safe now. I sped up to them. I looked at Jane.

She must be in immense pain; her arm was displaced. It looked horrifying. I looked at the little one who was secured in Jane's arm. The girl was straddling her. I had both of them in my arms to give them support. They must be exhausted and might fall if I let them go. 

I took a deep breath and then looked at the little girl to see if she was hurt anywhere, but she seemed okay. Now only the doctors can tell in more detail. I then again looked at Jane. She had a smile when she stroked Diana's head but I could see the pain in her eyes. I was about to take the girl from her arms when I heard Han shout.

"Captain, look out." I looked just in time to see one of the guys aim his gun at Diana who was partially in Jane's arm. I tried to duck them down to cover them and hoped that Han would stop the man in time but it was too late. After that everything happened so fast, I heard the gunshot and Jane suddenly pushed us to the left and stepped in front of the bullet.

And then came the big silence. I could not hear anything else, could not see anything else, could not feel anything else, other than her voice, her face and my fear. That's what was going on until I put Diana on the ground and caught Jane before she could hit the road.

Only after laying her down slowly but keeping her still in my arms, only after checking her wound and her heartbeat still going, only after hearing her call my name, only then I could hear the people of paramedics telling me to step back from her and how police cars taking away the criminals. 

I slowly put her down and stood up. My eyes were glued to her. I wanted to look for Diana, to see if she was taken care of. I wanted to check on the taxi driver and thank him personally, but my eyes were only on her. 

The paramedics examined the wound and started to treat it. "We can not give her pain relief, neither can we relocate her dislocated joint while she is still unconscious." One of the paramedics assessed the situation. She must be the senior. "Check her vitals and tied up her arm to give it support." She was instructing the others as she kept on cleaning the wound before wrapping it up. The moment she finished they picked Jane up slowly and placed her on the stretcher.

I helped them push it into the ambulance. I saw them closing the gate and until they left, I stood there waiting.

"Sir, we need to go to the hospital." Only after hearing Gabb say, I looked at her and saw Diana in her arms. I looked behind and saw the chief was there too and was talking to the taxi driver. I looked back at Gabb and nodded. She left with Diana and a rookie officer was driving for her.

I walked up to the chief. "It's okay, sir." The driver was saying that to the chief.

"What happened? Are you okay? You are not hurt. right?" I asked the driver. Then I looked at the chief and saluted him. 

"I am fine sir. The chief was telling me that I might have to come to the police station to give the details." He said with a smile. "That Miss, will she be alright? I found out that she was not related to the child but she still risked her life for her. She is very brave. I hope she is fine."

"You can go and visit her, if you want. She is a doctor at the city hospital. You will find her there." Said Kareem, coming from behind. "Sir, they need you at the station." He told the chief. The Chief left after taking the taxi driver's contact.

We stood there until he left and waited for the toeing truck to take the kidnappers car to the police station for investigation. The last car went with the truck. Now only I and Kareem were left.

"So, captain, let's go to the hospital. Han and others are at the station. The chief is looking at it himself. We should go and check the girls. I am sure you want to know how Dr. Jane is doing, right?" Kareem said we started to walk towards my car. 

Do I want to know how she is doing? If she was deeply injured due to the shot, she took instead of me? Or if her arm is fine which she ironically put in a car, where there were two criminals inside? 

I don't know. I really don't know if I really want to see her, but she is the only thing that I can think of right now. My body isn't moving, but I know where it wants to go.

I don't know her well. I know nothing about her. I have met many girls due to my job and due to my dad, but never a single one of them affected me. I don't usually remember their names. But here I am forcing myself not to think of a certain doctor who might be in danger.

Who is this woman? Why is she such a trouble? Within a week this girl visited hospital in this condition many times. I don't know how she has been living for all these years? Has she always been this crazy? Was she ever hurt like this before too? Did she get the proper treatment then?

I sighed and shook my head. There I go again. Thinking on and on about her. I have no idea why I am so fascinated by this troublesome girl. But I promised myself. I will stay away from her.

She is a trouble herself.

But I feel like this trouble is going to stay in my life for a long time.


Hola, lovely readers. 

She is injured again and Elijah again promised to stay away from her. But do you think he will be able to?

Well, we all know the answer to that. So, leaving you guys to take your guesses on what is going to happen next, I will take my leave.

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