Chapter 2

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Elijah's POV

We had to bring him in today only because my team and I believed that he has connections with higher-ups. Before they get involved, I want to know who the insiders are. I am sure that there are people in our department who are helping him and his allies.

We managed to take him to the investigation room. He was inside while I had to go and get permission from our Chief. 

"What do you mean that I am not allowed to enter the investigation room?" I asked baffled.

"As you heard. You tend to get out of control every time you lead an investigation. This case is in the public's eyes. I cannot let you mess it up."

"But sir..."

"No, the decision is made. You can leave now." He said dismissively.

I get out of the office but not before kicking the door. He is now used to my personality. We have been working together for years now, so he knows me well. Anyways he is my senior so I had to follow his order. I went into the observation room. My team mate took over the investigation.

Gabriella is one of the newest members of our team but she is as crazy as me. She had been trying her best to make him talk but he was not saying anything. She had provoked him in many ways but he was just looking at the table in front of him and then looking at the watch on the wall. Gabriella looked at the screen. I could tell that she is coming short with questions.

Why? Why is he behaving so calmly? Why is he looking at the watch again and again? Is there something that he is looking forward to? Is he waiting for someone to rescue him? But that's not possible, the court has refused his bail. 

What is it?

What could it be?

Suddenly the observation room's door opened. Jason, my one of the other team members, barged in looking out of his wits.

"Boss, he...he has a girl still in his possession. We just got a report of a missing child. She is only five. Her parents told us about the pictures sent to them of her daughter. You know what kind of pictures. It's doing. If we could hurry maybe we could the child." Jason didn't even complete his word and I ran towards the investigation room.

To hell with the Chief's order and to hell with my image in front of the public. Right now, getting information about that child is more important for me.

I told Gabriella to leave the room. I was going to use the methods for which she is still not ready. Once she left, I looked at the camera to indicate that they should off the recording in a minute. Your investigation for the kills and kidnapping is over and with that the camera, which was recording, turned off. 

Then I loosed my shirt out and folded my sleeves. I looked at Isac. He was with Gabriella throughout the investigation. He understood what I meant. He took out his hankey and gaged him. We need to do that so that his screams could not be heard by the others. 

He has a bullet wound so I didn't need to actually give him new wounds, I just reopened that wound. He was resisting the pain at first but I didn't stop.

"Where is the girl? You know that if we will find her anyhow but if she was dead by then, then you will face hell. And I will personally assist you there. You have this last chance, and if you are hoping that someone will save you then you are wrong again. The public will not let you live. So, tell me where the girl is?"  

Please tell me. I don't want to be late again. 

"Do you know what he is called, the wolf. If he said he will make it hard for you then you should be praying that the girl is fine right now, because trust me he will tear you apart. So, if you don't want a very long and painful death then tell us the address where you kept the girl." It was Isac who said that.

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