Chapter 13

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Elijah's POV

Do I really want to go and see her? 

Kareem asked me a question that I knew the answer to but I could never say it out in the open. My heart and mind were singing in the sink about this matter. They want me to go and see her. She just got shot. She must be in danger. She already had lost so much blood at the scene. 

Suddenly this feeling of uselessness becomes anger. I remembered that the guy who shot her was in the station. I decided to go to the station. Kareem was quiet the whole. I know, he might have guessed why I am driving so fast to the station. After working so many years together I know exactly want he wants to know, but I didn't give him any chance to ask what's on his mind.

We reached the station. There were media present there. They are at it again, this is a very sensitive case, someone just got shot... but still, they want something spicy from cases like this too.

 I went directly to the interrogation room and asked Kareem to go look for the file Han may have prepared for them. I entered the room just to see that the chief was already there, but the strange thing was that they were sitting side by side not at opposite ends of the table. The chief saw me and stood up abruptly.

That was fishy. But it doesn't matter, once I saw the man who shot Jane, I lost it. I charged toward him and punched him right away. I was ready for another punch but the chief dragged in out of the room. I was trying to get to the guy but the chief told the boys to hold me.

"Behave, Elijah, I will handle this interrogation myself. You are not in the right state of mind right now, you will ruin it with your temper."

"But sir, we caught them red-handed, what are you waiting for? We can interrogate him properly."

"But he didn't tell his boss's name. And you will kill him before he could say anything."

"Okay, I will not be too harsh. I will make him say his boss's name."

"I said no, you..." Suddenly an officer came running toward us.

"Chief, you have a call. It's from headquarters." Chief left before giving me a look which meant not to enter the interrogation room. Once he left, I entered the room immediately.

I pulled the chair sitting opposite him and put it just in front of him. But my aura was completely different from the chief's and I could see its intensity on his face. I was trying my best not to take him under my knee and just make him suffer the pain she must be suffering right now in the hospital. 

My heart thumbed at the thought of her being in pain. It was hard to stay here and not run to her side.

"Let's not waste each other's time and let's get to the point. I know you have a boss, so your assertion that you have no boss or no idea who he is a BS. I know you have a master. So, let's skip that part because whether you believe it or not, I will make you talk once I am finished with you. So, we can do it the easy way. Just tell me who your boss is then I might give you breaks between the tortures." I gave him a sneak peek of the painful experience he will face later. He looked at me like I was some alien.

"I... I don't know what you mean by th..." But before he could refuse again, I took his head and smashed it hard on the front table. He fell from the chair due to its impact. I stood up with force and the chair fell. He was on the floor holding his head in his hands. I could see blood coming from his head but that didn't stop me. I grabbed his collar and pulled him up and pushed him to the wall. 

"I think you misunderstood the situation you are in. I was not kidding when I said that I will make you talk." I was about to smash him again but suddenly the door opened with force.

"You...It's all your fault." The very angry Chief came in and just behind him were Kareem and a few other officers.

"Sir, you are not allowed to enter the investigation room." Kareem said as he was telling the Chief to leave the room. 

Okay, something is not right. Kareem can not tell the Chief to leave. What the hell is going on?

"Who the f**k you are to stop me from coming in here? This is my f**king station. Who are they to tell me to leave?"

"Sir, please. We are ordered to stop you by any means and you are ordered to leave the station immediately. We have the written letter. Please, sir, don't make it hard for us." Kareem requested. The chief looked at me ragged. He came closer to me.

"You think you will get away with this. They will not leave you just like that. They are very powerful. You will get to know that very soon." He whispered in my ears and then he left. 

I was stunned by what the hell happened. I pushed that man onto the floor, exited the room, and saw the chief leave the station. I went to Kareem. Han was there too.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked.

"He got suspended under the suspicion of corruption and embezzlement of evidence." Han replied and I was shocked. I didn't like him because he would not let me do the investigation as I wanted but that was not expected from him. 

"How is that possible? We were working for years together. I never..." But I stopped in the mid-sentence. I remembered some incidents.

Lately he has been keeping me from investigating certain cases and some people. He even told us to stop the investigation of the teacher's death. He was adamant that she was the real culprit. He told me to close the case soon.

Suddenly what he said just before leaving the investigation room came into my mind. 'You think you will get away with this. They will not leave you just like that. They are very powerful. You will get to know that very soon.'

He... He knows who is the one behind all this.


Hello, beauties. I know it's a bit late but I was working on a new story. It's done so I got the time to write this chapter. I will update the next chapter soon.

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