So he lazily got ready. He didn't neccessarily care about what he wore, but he figured Jin would bring an extra change of clothes for him just in case he dressed like he usually did, and he refused to wear that shit. Pink, pink, pink, pink. That's what Jin would bring him and force him into.

He still stuck to all black, but he made sure he looked decent, playing with his hair and even putting on his favorite rings.

It was 6:30 when he finished, and Yoongi was proud of himself. He looked hot, a little like a vampire, but a hot vampire at least.

He wasn't insecure about his looks, he knew he was pretty good looking. When he used to go to classes, eyes were always on him, staring in lust and want.

Yoongi sat on his couch for 20 minutes, staring off into space and reflecting on his life. He was bored, and just wanted to sleep, but taking a 20 minute nap would only piss him off.

"Finally," He whispered to himself, putting on his shoes and making his way to the elevator down the hall. The elevator was free of people, as he was the only one on this floor, and it made him happy he didn't have to interact with the weird people that lived in the building.

His motorcycle shone as he approached it, making him smile. It was one of the few things he really cared about, and he made sure to take great care of it.

The McDonalds wasn't very far, and Yoongi liked surpassing the speed limits, so he arrived before anyone else.

Dinner was unneventful, minus Namjoon breaking one of those plastic trays on the way to dump the garbage, but that was normal. It was something Yoongi had long gotten used to, as had everyone else.

Hoseok had tried to convince Yoongi to ride with them, thinking that Yoongi would ditch them the second they got the chance.

"Hoseok, no. I'm not going all the way back to my apartment to drop off my motorcycle, just so you can babysit me. Trust me, if I end up ditching you, it'll be for a good reason,"

The younger had sighed, shoulders slumping. Yoongi had never lied to them, not once. But Hoseok couldn't be sure, Yoongi hated crowded places and would probably do anything to not be in one.

Yoongi, once again, arrived first, rolling his eyes at the drunk people falling all over the place. He leaned against the brick wall, waiting for the others to show up. He reached in his pockets, grabbing his smokes and a lighter, relaxing as the toxic smoke filled his lungs.

"Ya know mister, you could die from that,"

He cracked one eye open, trying to spot whoever had talked to him. But no one was there, so he just shrugged, "Don't care," The words floated into the air, Yoongi not knowing if the stranger heard him.

"Who doesn't care?" Jin asked, stepping next to the younger.

Yoongi hummed, "I don't know,"

Jin was obviously confused, but didn't ask him to elaborate. "C'mon, lets go in,"

He threw his cigarette on the ground, stepping on it as he walked past the entrance. He immediately winced, the bright lights and sounds too much for him.

He stayed with the group for as long as possible, before everyone left to the dance floor and he chose to sit in silence at the bar.

"Hey handsome," Someone whispered in his ear.

Yoongi looked up from his glass, lips curled slightly in disgust. The girl was pretty, sure, but she was wearing almost no clothing. And he was gay. He was very, very gay.

"Not interested," He mumbled, trying to shoo her away. But she turned his seat around, plopping down in his lap and wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Well I doubt that. Don't you wanna have some fun?" She bit her lip, probably trying to look sexy.

Yoongi scoffed, pushing her off, "I said not interested,"

He stood up, quickly drinking the rest of his glass before shoving his way through the crowd, trying to reach the exit. He opened the door and sighed in relief.

The pale man went to lean on the wall again, only to have someone stumble into him, knocking him to the ground and straddling him.

Yoongi groaned, shoving the boy off harshly and sitting himself up. He rubbed his head in pain, feeling a lump already forming from where his head collided with the ground.

"Sorry mister!" The boy chirped, not seeming sorry at all. In fact, he seemed very cheerful, happy.

"Whatever," He replied, ignoring the boy completely, standing back on his feet.

"Well you aren't very nice," The boy stated, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

The blonde snorted, "I know that, kid. Now, you gonna leave me alone or what?"

"Why would I?"

Yoongi finally looked at the boy, breath hitching instantly. The boy was....adorable. Ethereal, pretty, gorgeous. No word could describe his beauty, none of them were enough.

"Who are you?" He asked, voice suddenly slightly hoarse.

"My name is Taehyung! It's nice to meet you mister!" Taehyung bounced on the balls of his feet, bright smile lighting up his face.

Yoongi knew he was already fucked. What could he say, he was a sucker for cute things.


hi hoes, 1360 words on the first chapterrr.

i like some specific parts of this chapter, others i hate.

like i said, im not proofreading this. this is just a silly book i wanted to start because my other one is coming to an end

stay safe and healthy <3

anywyas, bye bye <33!!

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