(19) The real you

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I was alone in my bedroom.

It was past midnight but somehow I couldn't sleep.

I looked over to my dressing table and recalled that day.


I looked at myself in the mirror fixing my school uniform tie.When I got a call from my mother.

Why is she  calling me ... we live in the same house.

"Tae... sweetie .... Your uncle....he ...he is not in a stable condition" she said her voice trembling.

"What.... what are you saying mom... how ... when ... what is going on mom?" I said my heart racing abnormally.

"Where is he ? ... Mom? MOM?" I started panicking now.

The other  line was silent.

"He ... is at his home.. there are private doctors there ..  he can't be shifted to the hospital.... I dont think he has much time" she said.

"Mom I'm  comming there" I said wearing my shoes.

"Taehyung look you better go to school.Your dad might-" I hung up.

I didn't  care .. all I wanted to do was see my uncle to make sure if he was alright.

Nothing mattered at that moment.

I was ready to even exchange my life for his.

I can't  bear loosing him.

I ran outside of my house not bothering  to listen to the maids and servants calling my name.

I signalled the driver to take me to my uncles house.

When I arrived there.

I saw his lifeless pale body on the bed.Many tubes surrounding his body.Blood everywhere.

What happened.

Many doctors  and police men were rushing in and out.

I tried asking what happened.

When I looked at my uncle I felt like dying looking at him like that ..  I wanted to give my life to him.But thats not how it works.

I walked towards his bed and held his hand.

His eyes slightly opened.

"U-uncle?"I said with tearful eyes.

He just looked at me and smiled.

But I knew the pain behind it.

"How .. what happened" I asked now my tears visible.

"Dont worry I'm  fine" his voice came out as a whisper.

"Dont lie ... I can see that you are not" I replied " rest please I will be here with you."

I saw two files at the table.

I examined one of them it was a medical report.

I read it ...

Stab wounds,lacerated wounds fractures on left jaw bone and upper ribcage with slight damage to right skull, high dose  of melatonin and chloroform.


These are knock out drugs .. was this an ambush?

I read the other file... it was a  criminal file ...

As I read it ... it was clear that someone assaulted my uncle ... They probably intended to kill him.

My blood started to boil ... I want to kill the bastard who did this.

I read the crime location and was about to go there when my eyes landed on the word..

Black Swan

What ... thats what Jungkook's father is called.

Is this .... no it can't  be.I read the sight of the crime and it was the old abondend  building.Thats where Mr.Jeons or Black swans victims were.


he knew my uncle....

The files slipped from my hands and fell onto the floor.My legs gave up on me.

I was curled up in a ball on the cold floor.

No he can't do this he can't he can't...

But .... he is the son of a criminal....

All I wanted  to do was vanish at that very moment.

I stood up regaining my breath.

A nurse entered the room.

I asked her "how is he doing?"

"Not very well we don't have high hopes from him.. he was given a very high dose of chloroform  ... and his injuries are very severe" she said checking his vital.

Suddenly  I heard a beep sound.

I knew what it was but I didn't  want to believe  it.

The nurse took out her speaker and shouted "code red"

And in a matter of seconds the room was full of doctors.

I wasn't allowed to go in.

Whats going on .... how should I fix this ...
I dont want to loose people close to me.

The doctors came out.

And sighed.

But before I could go into the room the fire alarm went on.

The whole house was on fire..


I  felt someone dragging me out...

I glanced towards the person and without  any doubts it was Jungkook.

I wanted to kill him at that  time.

"LET ME DIE HERE GO AWAY" I screamed at him.

"Shut up" he replied.

Was that all he could say.

I started kicking him voliently but breathing in the fire smoke had done much damage.

"LEAVE ME ALONE STAY AWAY FROM ME YOU LIAR,YOU MURDERER" I said coughing after every word.

The moment I said the word murderer I felt his grip tighten around my wrist.

He was practically dragging me out of the building.

"I can't  leave my uncle there" I said in a low voice.

"He is dead" Jungkook replied.


When we were finally outside the house .. 

He started speaking

"From.now onwards lets go on our own paths ... "

Was that all he was going to say... I wanted to forgive him... wasn't  he going to explain ..  I wanted to believe he didn't  do it wasn't he going to tell me what happened.

But at that moment I wanted to kill him.

I replied." So this is the real you."

"Taehyng look I'm -" he was cut off by the police sirens and firefighter trucks.

With that he pulled his hoodie up and I saw him going further  and further away.

Why did it end like this ....
I coughed.







And finally lost consciousness..

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