(9) Run away

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It took me a second to realise...

"OMG Taehyung its that staff member ... look look " I said hiding my face behind my hands.

"Damn.... out of all the places... she had to be in the cafeteria" he replied clearly annoyed.

"Yea... she was telling us to work ...and she is just chilling here" I said.

"Now what do we do?... her table is right behind us" he said.

" Lets go together.... come now hurry .. the sooner we leave the better" I replied.

"Whyy~... this food is so good... " Taehyung pouted.

"We have priorities.. come on we can eat somewhere else" I replied.

Just as me and Taehyung were getting out of the cafeteria.We heard someone say ... a familiar female voice..

"Hey! Trainee"

Me and Taehyung fastened our pace as we were dashing out of the cafeteria.

"The one with the red shirt"

Shoot I screamed internally that was Taehyungs shirts colour.

We both looked at eachother with complete horror.Gosh this felt like a nightmare. I dont want to go to police station for trespassing.

Without thinking we both ran out with full speed.

"Lets go to the studio 6 , get Jennie and leave this nightmare already" Taehyung said.

"Yea ... so where is this studio" I asked.

"Great .... now what" he said.

"Lets call her" I said.

I called Jennie and her phone was off.

Wow just wow.

"Uuuughhh she isn't replying " I said.

"Lets get out of this area first" Taehyung replied.

We were roaming around endlessly for what seems like hours.

Suddenly I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket.

I took ot out and to my surprise it was a message from Jennie.

Jennie : Sorry Y/N it might take me long here .. so you and Taehyung can leave first T.T

I shoved my phone at Taehyungs face

"Look.... Now what?" I said.

"Wow .... so much trouble ... and we don't even get to see the studio..." he replied.

"Now how do we get out ... they might have alerted the security" I said.

"Well... lets go to the dressing room and borrow some hats or surgical masks ... they should have those" He said while pointing towards the dressing room.

"No .... no stealing " I said.

"We are not going steal we are going to take it for free" he said.

"And how exactly are we going to do that?" I said with my arms folded.

"Ok then leave it to me .... watch and learn" Taehyung said whike smirking.

With that he went to the dressing room.

After what felt like ages he came back.
With the required stuff.

"What took you so long?" I asked.

Unloveable reader XTaehyung vs JungkookTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon