Chapter 16 Operation: Maid Watch

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Akira: Nhzual, what happened to you..?

Nhzual looked at them confused and he then realized that they were looking at his body which was severely scared.

Nhzual: Oh

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Nhzual: Oh...I uh...



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Nhzual: I... I got into a really bad car accident when I was little...

Ryuji: Damn dude. It's a miracle that you made it out alive.

Nhzual: Yeah...


The three of them went into the bath and Nhzual was getting ready to join them, but then heard a voice.

???: Oh, you look even cuter with your shirt off.

Nhzual then looked back and saw Elizabeth standing at the door.

Nhzual: Elizabeth? What are you doing here?

Elizabeth: Oh nothing. Just coming by to say hi.

Nhzual: I haven't seen you in awhile, busy with Igor?

Elizabeth: Yeah. I also been keeping an eye on your other friend, and he's been taking my little sisters out on little adventures.

Nhzual: Adventures? What kind of adventures?

Elizabeth: Oh, you know, just showing them the outside world. Someone used to do that for me a few years back.

Nhzual: That so.

Elizabeth: But something about them is... off.

Nhzual: Off?

Elizabeth: Yeah, it's like they're both each other's other half.

Nhzual: You mean like they been split in half?

Elizabeth: I'm not to sure, I'm still looking into it.

Suddenly, Nhzual heard Ryuji call his name.

Ryuji: Yo, Nhzual! What's the hold up! You coming in or what?

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