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Hola amigos!

Happy new year everyone! Sorry I am a little late in wishing you but forgive me 'cause I am a lazy person =P

Okay, so first this chapter is dedicated to one of my favorite person on wattpad ....*drumrolls*... Dimaeatsapples! She's been with the story since the very start and she is such an amazing person, like made with marshmallow, nutella and all the other nice things in the world! So thank you!! And also she made this just as amazing banner on the side----->>>>>

Thank you so much!!!

And on the side is also the trailer that I made myself for the story. So please please please check it out too. It would be really cool if you did, =)

So now, the last chapter was some heavy thing huh? I think we need a little break from the shocks, and hence I present you this chapter. A sweet, simple but extremely long one. Hope you like it. =)

Enjoy ♥


Daniel's pov-

The bells on the door chimed and my eyes immediately shot up but then came back down in disappointment once I noticed it was an elderly man who had entered the cafe.

Taking a breath, I picked up my cup of second cup of coffee, hoping that its warmth will help the jittery feeling in my fingertips. Taking a sip, I checked the time on my phone.

Just four minutes past than when she was supposed to be here.

I scratched the tip of my nose, my fingers still twitching.

Okay, this was getting ridiculous. I shouldn't be behaving like this.

Anything and everything was making me anxious and jumpy; the mindless chatter of the group of girls sitting on the corner table, the entering and exit of people, the sound of the clicking of spoons against ceramic cups.

Everything was throwing me off the edge.

Where was the button for putting the whole world on mute when you needed it?

I looked at the phone again.

Five minutes.

Maybe, she wasn't going to come.

I got up from my chair, but couldn't take one step ahead.

No, this needed to be done.

I sat back down.

It had been nine years of waiting for her. Nine additional minutes for me couldn't possibly hurt.

And then again, it wasn't about me. This was so that a particular slightly crazy girl couldn't use my decisions as an excuse.

Yes, this was for Norah, I reminded myself and allowed myself to calm down.

The bell rang once again.

My eyes darted up.

"Thank you for coming," I said as she walked towards my table.

She smiled.

A smile the six year old version of me would have considered as the greatest thing in the world.


Norah's pov-

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