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Sebastian winced as the ice pack made contact with his bruised skin. "It burns."

"Sorry," I muttered. "What did you say to him anyway that made him clock you up like this?"

"I'm not telling you," he answered avoiding my gaze.

"Why not?"

"Cause it's a guy thing and you will kill me if I tell you," he answered, tensed.

I was already miffed. "Fine, keep it a secret but at least tell me why the hell did you not fight back," I said pressing the ice pack under his eyes again.

A hiss of pain escaped his mouth. "Cause I'm not that stupid like him. I can't afford a detention or a suspension right now."

"But you can afford to get a black eye?" I asked in a dry voice.

"I can take it for you," he said with a pout.

Even though my brain was pounding against my skull, I couldn't help but smile at his innocent expression. "You didn't have to. Starting from today, neither of us are getting into anything regarding Daniel Cohen, okay?"

Sebastian gave me a pitiful look. "You know even though I knew he will blow up everything eventually, just for your sake I was actually hoping that he proves me wrong."

I stayed silent.

Cupping my right cheek with his palm he said, "Unfortunately, this is the real Daniel Cohen everyone has been telling you to stay clear of. All that he has ever learned is how to be a jerk to everyone."

There was still a hopeful part of my brain that didn't want to believe him. It wanted to tell Sebastian that the real Daniel Cohen was the guy who saved me from drowning, the guy who held me close in the cemetery, the guy who gave me that photograph which was still sitting on the top of my desk. Not this guy. But Sebastian's damaged face and Abbey's broken heart had another story to tell.

"Guess I should have listened to you earlier, huh?" I sighed pushing back the disappointment that was coursing through me.

Instead of a reply, Sebastian leaned forward and planted a quick kiss on my lips. As usual I felt nothing.

"What was that for?" I asked, running my fingers on my lower lip.

"Because I can't see your fallen face." He pinched the tip of my nose. "I really want you to find somebody who actually deserves you. You've been lonely too long."

"And you blame Luke for being melodramatic." I gave his forehead a light push.

He pouted again. "You spoil all my moments."

"Aw, do you want an apology?" I tilted my head to a side. "Well, you're not getting one, Bambino. Now, get up and hurry your ass down to your class. Lunch is over."

"Fine," he said with groan and got up from the ground and joining the current of students hurrying to their classes, he yelled, "Farewell! God knows when we shall meet again."

"Be well, do well and keep in touch, my Shakespeare," I shouted dramatically over the undistinguishable chattering of the crowd and tossing the ice pack in trash can, headed to my classes.

I had History for the next period but instead of taking notes from the board which was being written on and then rubbed quickly, I sat with my hands holding the pen on the very first line of the page.

When the bell rang, I still hadn't gone past the first line and the blank page just sat there on the desk as if mocking me. Two similar blank pages stared back at me in my next two classes too.

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