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I know, a super late update again but look at least it's really long. It took me a long time to get this chapter finished because I was just a hard time writing anything. It was like a mental block. It's not the chapter that I mentioned in the last one because I made little alteration to the story but it still has something that hopefully you'll like.

Btw did you know that Taissa and Jeremy are gonna star in a movie together. I mean what are the chances? I was like WHAT?! when I saw the article. Too bad they aren't exactly casted opposite each other.

That being of my chest, here's the chapter. 



"Oh my god! You poor thing! How are you holding up?"

Stopped on my way to my third hour class, I turned around, and got knocked over with the power that Shay enveloped me in her arms.

"What happened? Tell me everything!"

I pulled away from her, and pulled up a tired, sombre 'post-breakup' face.

I did that a lot, right? Acting?

Seriously, it was getting kind of ridiculous by now, how half of the time I was either pretending or spinning one lie or another.


"It was a mutual decision. It's fine," I answered, a small polite smile instantly up on my lips.

"No, it's not!" Shay shook me, gripping my shoulders hard. "It's not at all fine!"

She was reacting over this much more intensely than I was supposed to be doing.

But then again she was Shay.

"It is. And I am alright with that." I started to walk towards my class after the second bell rang, but Shay followed me, walking side by side with me.

As if just to make the scene seem like from a teenage movie, Seb appeared from the hallway that we were just about to go in. Shay glared at him, not even knowing why she was exactly doing it, but according to the unspoken rules of 'girl world', after a friend goes through break-up, hate the ex first, ask questions later.

Seb and I exchanged a look, and then I looked down, just to make the situation seem realistic.

"Urghh! What a jerk." Shay made a face, following Seb with her eyes to his classroom. "Anyway, how about a slumber party tonight at my house? We can invite all the girls, eat ice cream, watch movies and trash-talk Sebastian?"

And then I had to ask myself: Did I really need more occasions to lie?

"I don't feel like it," I replied, looking dubious over the offer. "I think I just wanna be alone tonight. I am sorry."

She nodded, pursing her lips. "Of course. I get it. Stay strong, 'kay?"

And with another shake of my shoulder, she ambled off to her own class, or wherever she was required to be.

Entering the class, I quickly scanned the class to find an open seat. There were only two remaining; one near the window, and the other was ahead of Daniel's seat.

So I took the window seat.

After the rat thing in the dance, the next day was given as a break because therodent control people were called to get rid of the rat infested school, so I had a whole day to myself to formulate how I was going to steer things from there on. I had a way of handling things with him.

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