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I have over 150 reads on the story! Yay! Thank you everyone who read, commented or voted. You guys are awesome! I hope you people keep giving your support.  :)

So here is the next chapter. Enjoy!


After our confrontation on Monday, Daniel ignored me completely the next day. I tried talking to him but he managed to dodge me every single time. After practice, he got into his car without wasting even a second.

I was sitting at the school cafeteria table on Wednesday, playing with the pasta on my plate, twisting the strands around the plastic fork to create a huge mass.

His words still rang in my ears.

'You'll just be wasting your time.'

Why did he say that I would be wasting my time? Did he mean that I would be futilely trying to save him while he would eventually do something like the bridge again and succeed this time or that I was taking things way out of context by over thinking about the situation?

His cryptic words were making my brain work over-time.

I kept asking myself if I wanted to believe his excuse that he was drunk and that had clouded his judgment of what he was doing, but I never came close to accepting that. I had seen his eyes at that night. I remembered well the sorrow that I had seen in them which were still haunting me.

"You okay, sweets?" Sebastian who was sitting beside me asked. "You seem off these days."

"Yeah, no, I am fine. I just have all these assignments and tests coming up so that's just stressing me out a bit," I lied.

The semester had just started so how much assignments and tests could I possibly have but Sebastian let it go. He knew I wasn't going to tell him the truth about what was bothering me. We had this silent pact that I would help him whenever he wanted and in return, he would never pry for answers from me.

"You don't have to lie to him Norah," Mike interjected with mock seriousness. "Tell him what you told me last night when we were together. Oh, what a magical night it was after you told me that it is me that you have always craved. Tell Sebastian how you feel that he is not enough for you any more. Tell him how you think about me all the time when you're with him. We don't need to hide our love, Norah. Tell him."

By the time Mike was done with his speech, he was almost standing up on his chair. Sebastian got up and gave Mike a slight push making him wobble on the seat. I laughed at both of them along with everyone sitting at the table.

Liam snickered lightly and went back to talking to Shay who was almost sitting on his lap. It seemed like they had sorted out their issues. Although everyone knew that they will soon find something new to fight about but until that moment they were undeniably the cutest couple of the whole school.

"Daniel!" Chad shouted over the noise in the hall.

My eyes immediately shot up to the cafeteria door to find Daniel. He had a grey sweatshirt on and his eyes were busy with his phone's screen until he heard Chad's voice and tracked it back to our table.

It took him a moment to realize that I was sitting at the table too and when he did I thought he was going to run away from me like he had been doing for these past couple of days but proving me wrong, he walked towards us. A familiar nervousness settled inside of me as he settled down on the seat next to Liam which was the spot directly opposite to me.

He and Sebastian exchanged a heated look but neither of them said anything. I made a mental note for myself to ask Sebastian about him and Daniel later.

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