28. Epilogue

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"We found this on the park bench, adressed to you." Dan handed Josh the envelope.

Carefully, he took it apart and pulled out the paper.


If you ever read this, we're both dead or you're alive and I'm stupid. I wish it was the latter, but I don't believe so anymore.

I'm sorry I left. But I can't stand imagining you dead. You dying. Because you are, Josh. Starving yourself, you're dying.

And you're beautiful. Stunning, and georgous, no matter the weight I'd love you all the same. The past men who've used you can lose their dicks. They're incensitive, and so fucking blind. You're sweet, and selfless, and adorable. I wish I hadn't taken that for granted.

If this is ever read by your blue eyes, because you are alive:

I'm sorry. Get better, for me? It's hard, I know that better than anyone. But for some people, it's worth the pain.

I love you, forever and always,


The drawing, of the two of them at the park, sat at the bottom. A cut out of the original glued to the paper.

If only the two could go back there and change everything.

The End

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