24. I Love You

69 11 26


how unfortunate yes i know



"Who wants desert?"

The word made Josh queazy, but everyone else nodded eagerly, so he shut his mouth.

I'm full, though, he thought. I'm s fucking full, and I've probably gained from that simple meal. I wasn't supposed to eat that much.

He started off slow; a bite or two, water, another bite, water, break. There wasn't much on his plate, either. But then he finished, and there was still so much left. His mother always made so much, and Elissa always made the food taste even better.

So he had more. And more.

By the end of the meal, still hungry, he was biting his lip and gripping the edges of his jeans.

Had they gotten tighter?

Shit. He had to go for a run. How many calories were in that? How much had he eaten? How much did he need to burn?

"Josh, you alright?" Oliver's soft voice and hand on his own made Josh flinch. Dinner, he was at dinner, with his family, and he had to focus on dinner.

Tonight was supposed to be fun. Oliver met his parents, Elissa interrogated them as the protective sister she was, and they'd spend the night after lectures to use protection from Josh's father.

But instead all Josh could think of were the calories and how much his stomach seemed to go out.

"So, Oliver, any crazy exes?" Elissa began as she monched on her ice cream.

Josh stared at his in distaste.

"Nope, no crazy exes."

It seemed so delicious, and Josh was beyond tempted.

"Any kinks?"

He raised his spoon.

"Uh- Not- Not that I know of. But frankly that isn't any of your buisiness."

He set it down.

"BDSM? Tell me, how did you and Josh meet? Are you his boss?"

A spark of pride in his self control. He still wanted to eat it, so bad, but he didn't.

"I- This isn't Fifty Shades of Grey! I promise I will not misrepresent BDSM by using your brother."

Josh hadn't even realized the interrogation going on, or how ridiculous Elissa's questions were. Then again, he was used to this. Every boyfriend he brought home was interrogated. But then again, it made sense.

After Kellin.

"Alright, alright. Last one. Favorite musical."

Josh groaned.

"Uh, I don't listen to many musicals..," Oliver trailed off.

Elissa stiffended.

"B-But, if I had to pick, Heathers?"

Elissa formed a cheeky smile. "He's in! You better not break my brothers heart, or your limbs are on the line."

She eyed in dangerously, then stood and left to the kitchen to start the dishes.

"I didn't know Heathers was an actual musical, I made it up. I was thinking of the song by Conan Gray," Oliver admitted.

Josh giggled, kissing Oliver's cheek. "Well we can thank Conan Gray for saving our relationship."

It made Oliver blush. Our relationship. He had to remind himself it wasn't wrong, and that this was progress.

"You two are so cute," Josh's mother cooed. "You can go along, we'll start on the dishes."

"Would you like any help?" Oliver stood to help.

"No, it's alright. Go on with J," she shooed them.

"Come on, Ols!"

Josh giggled and pulled Oliver out of the house and down the sidewalk. Oliver recognized the path. They kept going until Josh stopped in front of the lake with dozens of bright yellow lights lighting it up, yet the stars were still visible.

Josh took his hand, giggling at he stared up at the sky in awe. He leaned against Oliver, who pulled him closer.

"It's beautiful," Josh murmured.

"Can I say something cheesy?"

"Why the hell not."

"Not as beautiful as you."

Josh choked, looking up at Oliver with a stupid grin. "You're so fucking corny. That line is so overused."

"You said I could say something cheesy!"

"Yeah, but not that cheesy!"

"Fine princess." Oliver pulled him into a backwards hug; Josh's back against Oliver's chest while Oliver held him securely.



"I love you."

Words escaped Oliver's throat. His breath hitched.

"You don't have to say it back, I just wanted you to know."


He couldn't say it back, not yet, and he felt a bit bad, but maybe someday, right? The fact Oliver was able to hold Josh and call him his own was a dream he never thought he'd live.

Just for that night, things were perfect.



i feel like the 'i love u' came too soon but i wanna push this along because it's gonna turn to shit soon ;P

The Dilemma - FransykesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora