1. Tinder Date

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"Josh!" Dan screeched, stumbling over unpacked boxes and running to Josh, who stood in the bathroom fixing his hair.


"Someone liked you! On Tinder!" Dan shoved the phone in front of Josh's face. Ever since Josh's last breakup, Dan had been constantly on his ass about getting with someone. At least a one night stand. So, he made a Tinder acount for his friend. Half of it was bullshit, things Dan made up to attract other men, but the effort was.. sweet, and the idea of getting with another guy any time soon was unlikey, but a nice thought. So Josh went along, not really paying attention and barely scrolling through the list of guys. Personally, he found the whole idea of dating apps hurtful. It could murder someone's self esteem, not that Josh had much of one left anyway, and he felt bad every time he brushed past a guy. Like, he didn't know them. Maybe they were extremely sweet and caring, but all he saw was a short bio and a picture.

The man who had apparently liked Josh's photo, was undeniably cute. His blond hair fell over the side of his head, and nobody could say his smile wasn't adorable.

"What's his name and bio?" Josh asked, looking back at the mirror as he tried to apply contour. Just a bit, judr enough to make him look appealing.

"Matt Kean," Dan confirmed. "Favorite food: peanut butter. Sexuality: pansexual. He has two cats-"

"Like him," Josh ordered. "He likes cats, like him back."

Dan chuckled. "Okay." He played around with the phone, until he handed it to Josh. "He started a conversation. Work your magic, Josh."

Josh scoffed but took the phone and retreated to his room.

Josh and Dan had recently moved in together after college. Their house was a mess, as they were both too lazy to unpack and absolute shit at taking care of anything. So his room was simply a mattress and a few posters. Josh laid down on the stained but comfy matteess, opening up the chat with Matt.

'Hey' Matt had texted.


Was that too much? Fuck it, Josh had already sent it.

'What're you doing?'

'Laying on my bed, messaging you. Hbu?'

'Baking cookies'

'Ooooh, send me some!'

'Well.. I was gonna ask if you'd wanna hang out sometime- And y'know, we could have dinner. Cookies included, if you'd like'

'Sure! I'm free nearly everyday, except Mondays. What date and time?'

'I'm free Thursday around five'

'Five pm on Thursday it is. What's your address?'

'5935 Santari Drive'

'Okie dokie! See you then'

"I have a date!" Josh shouted.

"Oh my god!" Dan squealed, jumping up and down by the doorway. "We have to celebrate! Where's the cake?"

"You're just looking for an excuse to eat the cake you bought two days ago," Josh scoffed.


And so they had cake.


"Does this make my ass look big? How about this? Would this be good? Fuck, did I put on the concealer right? Do I have acne? Dan-"

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