12. Rose

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mmm the taste of frequent updating~

my lips are abused
not in that way-


The past two weeks, Oliver hadn't responded to any of Josh's texts. He hadn't even seen them, apparently. And when Josh went to see if Oliver was home, the apartment was empty. Worried for his new friend, Josh asked Dan for Tom's number.

'Hey, Tom? It's Josh, Oli's friend. Where's he been the past couple weeks? I'm worried'

'it's not exactly my place to tell you, but he'll be away for awhile. another two weeks, at least'

'Oh, okay'

Was he okay? Did something happen? Was Oliver avoiding Josh?

No, this probably had nothing to do with himself. Josh needed to calm down and just wait it out. Oliver was probably perfectly fine, he'd be back in a couple weeks.

But Josh couldn't help but wonder, where was Oliver? Vacation? Tom said it wasn't his place to tell, it couldn't be vacation. Something personal. Had Oliver done something? Illegal, maybe? Oh god, was Oliver in jail? Or worse, did he hurt himself?

For fucks sake, he had to stop worrying. He was fine, Tom said he'd be back soon. Josh could ask Oliver then, and hopefully get a real answer. What mattered was that Oliver was okay, at least he was made out to be.

What if Oliver was in a coma?

"Josh, I can literally hear you thinking," Dan whined. "Is this about Oliver?"

Josh nodded weakly, earning a sigh from his friend. "We're going out. Get your things." Dan set his things down and stood by the door, waiting.

Not wanting to bother his friend further, Josh hurried along and followed Dan down to their car sheepishly. He didn't know where they were going, and he didn't exactly want to go anywhere, but he complied in going into the mall with his friend.

"I'm getting food, you go and shop.. or some shit," Dan shooed off his friend and stood by the McDonalds.

"Didn't you just eat?" Josh questioned.

"So? I'm hungry." Dan shrugged.

Something Josh could easily envy; despite always being hungry and indulging in that with plenty food and especially junk food, Dan retained a slimmer figure. While Josh was deseprately trying to lose weight and eating less than half of Dan's daily consumption.

Pushing it aside, Josh walked off into the large mall, passing by stores he took no real interest in. He never really liked shopping, didn't see a point. You wasted all your money on objects you'll rarely use. The only time he went shopping was when Dan saw his wardrobe consisted of clothing from six years ago and dragged him to Macy's.

Shopping was impulsive. Oh, what's this? Oh, I've never heard of it before, but it looks cool. Mom! Can I get this? Please? Come on! Yes, of course I'll actually use it. Thank you! You're the best mother in the world!

And then you went home with an odd object you admired for a few days before throwing it in your closet, never to be seen again. Waste of money, space, and time, and went into one of humanities biggest problems: material, and always wanting more.

But that was a rant for another time, and while Josh sifted through stores, Victoria's Secret, Box Lunch, Hot Topic, Von Maur, he stopped at the flower shop.

In the windowsill, sitting alone amongst the dozens of beautiful boquets being boughten without second guess, was a white rose. Or what had originally been a white rose, but petals had fallen, as black and yellow stains dripped onto the remaining leaves. No one wanted it because it was stained and undesiarable, unsavable to everyone else.

Pulled from his thoughts, a worker walked up the flower sitting in its vase and pulled it out, ready to dispose of it until Josh called out, "Wait!"

The employee froze, flower pinched in their hands as they stared up at Josh. "Excuse me?"

"I'd like to purchase that flower, please," Josh said.

"You're sure?"

"Yes, of course." Josh nodded eagerly.

"Well, take it for free. It'll die soon enough anyways." The employee handed it off without second guess. Josh held the broken flower to his chest with a smile, admiring it as he walked back to Dan who was stuffing his face with chicken.

"Hey, I got you some food." He pointed his plastic fork to a black foam box. Josh's stomach clenched at the smells emitted when he opened it. The sight of the chicken and green beans almost made him drool, but he shut it quickly.

"Not hungry," Josh muttered quickly and pushed the box towards Dan, in turn stealing Dan's plastic water cup and set the flower in it.

"Ew, looks like the flower in Ariel," Dan muttered.

"Just needs some care, no worries," Josh said.

"You're crazy."

"Says the one who watches anime at three AM."

Dan chucked a piece of chicken at Josh, shaking his head.

"Just saying."

"Oh, fuck you."



eh idk it's late and i just updated so

mm sleepy time

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