4. Oliver

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The night was cold, although it was early December. December first, to be exact. Josh had been jogging since five, and it was now seven. He didn't want to stop, just a bit longer.

He hadn't texted the man from the train station yet. It seemed too awkward. Maybe soon, though.

Josh stopped outside a conveince store, deciding to pick some things up before heading back home. Some laxatives, mainly, as he'd nearly run out of his previous stash.

Though, as he rounded the corner, he came across his biggest vice.


Nope, nuh uh, he would not. But they were there, taunting him.

So he left the store that night with laxatives, a box of chocolate, chips and a sandwhich.

It wouldn't hurt to eat a bit, right?

Josh left the store and, to his dismay, had to go through an alleyway to get home. Unlike those in horror movies he had the common sense to stay in the public eye, especially at night, but if he didn't go this way it'd be an extra hour and Dan would undoubedtly be suspicious.

So he cut through the alleyway. He was already halfway through when someone grabbed his hand.

Josh flinched and spun around to meet the stranger.

A taller man towered over him. Josh grew small under his gaze and could only imagine his intentions.

"Hey there, what're you doing?" The man asked. His voice was deep, honey like, but Josh could hear the sinisterness behind it.

"W-Walking home," Josh answered quietly.

"I could give you a ride," the man offered.

Nope, sir, I am completely alright walking by myself and without a stranger, Josh thought.

"No," he squeaked. "I-I'm alri-ight, walking by myself."

"Oh, come on now." The man's grip tightened on Josh's hand, slowly going up his arm. Josh tried to pull away but to no avail.

"L-Let go of me!" Josh hissed, struggling against the man's grip.

"Hey!" Oh thank fuck. Another man appeared, standing beside Josh. "Hey honey, how are ya? Is this guy bothering you?" The man slung his arm over Josh's shoulder.

Honey? Well fuck, why not play along.

"Hey babe. Not at all, he was just leaving." Josh ripped his arm from the man's grip and followed the stranger down the alleyway.

"Thank you," Josh whispered. "I-I don't know what he would've done if y-you hadn't came just then." His voice cracked as he fought back tears.

"Hey," the man said softly. "Don't think about that. It's okay." He pulled Josh into a hug, that Josh accepted gratefully by burying his face into the man's chest.

When he pulled away, he recognized the stranger's face. "You're from the bus station," Josh murmured.

"Yeah, I guess I am. My name is Oliver, though."

"Josh. Thank you, again, for uh, saving me," Josh chuckled.

"Anyone would've done that, or should've. Whatever, I'm just glad you're safe. Text me, though, and don't be afraid to call me again if you think you're in danger." Oliver smiled, and Josh's lonely heart fluttered. It was fucking adorable.

"Y-Yep! I-I will!" He waved as Oli began walking away and turned to continue walking home.

It would be a long night. Of food, tears, and sitting by the toilet.


'Goodmorning' Oliver recieved a text the next morning.

'Is this Josh?'

'Yep! How are you?'

How was he? Hung over, dreading work the next day, and about to text hus drug dealer.

'I'm good. You?'

'Great, now that we're talking' Oliver blushed. Josh had been so cute the two times they met, but he hated that he found guys that way. Cute.

'Aw. You weren't great before?'

'I was okay'

'Why simply okay?'

'My friend is being an ass'

'Oh, friends are annoying that way. What was he on about?'

'Nothing. He's just concerned about me so I told him to fuck off. Oh well. So what are you doing?'

'Laying in bed, about to get up. You?'

'Making breakfast for said obnoxious friend'

'Ohh, you a good cook?'

'Only the best'

'I'll have to try it sometime'

'Mm, is that a date?'

Oliver's breathing hitched. A date with a guy?

'Who knows. Do you want it to be?'

What was he doing? Oh god, what was he doing?

'Well I don't know. If you want. I don't know'

'Aw, you're flustered. We'll just have to hang out and see, in that case'


'Well I have to run an aron, talk later'

'Nice talking to you Oliver'

'Same to you, Josh'


i shall clarify
oli is like 6'2 in this and josh is maybe... 5'9-5'10
it's kinda the same in inobia, just a bit shorter, but oli is still taller because

oooohhh~ they started talkingggg

i need to piss fuck

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