13. Dinner

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There was an awkward silence that filled the car as they drove away from the rehab center.

After a month, Oliver had been discharged. Things weren't exactly the greatest. He still desperately craved the high, hated himself with a passion, and hadn't yet come to terms with his sexuality. But he was a month clean, and intent on going as long as he could until he relapsed.

After he relapsed was what he stressed about. Would he just fall back into the same destructive addiction? All of this was for nothing. Or would he try and get back on his feet again? No, he still wasn't on his feet, never was. Before he was crawling, now he was kneeling.

"How was rehab, Oli?" Tom asked sheepishly.

Oliver didn't answer, unwilling to talk about his time there.

"Are you hungry?" Jordan asked, taking notice of Oliver's slim figure. He looked far more healthier than before, but he was still unnaturally skinny and the bags under his eyes sunk in. When had he last slept?

"Not really," Oliver mumbled. He continued staring at the window distastefully.

He'd kept things vague in rehab. Only opened up when it was required to keep the same release date.

It was still enough, though, for them to prescribe him with antidepressants. To which Tom and Jordan would regulate his taking of. He was embarrased, though. His little brother had to see firsthand how fucked up he was.

"Josh has been asking about you," Tom informed. Oliver perked up.

"Really? Did you tell him where I was?"

"No, that's for you to tell him, if you want. I told him you were coming home soon - he's really excited."

"Can we go see him?" Oliver blurted out. "Please?"

"I-" Jordan glanced at Tom, who shrugged. "Sure."

Oliver tapped his foot impatiently as they drove to Josh's apartment. He followed the other men to his room, knocking on the door nervously.

What would Josh say? What if he knew?

The door opened, revealing a flour covered Josh. It coated his hair, leaving a white streak down the middle, and left white sploshes on his black shirt that seemed a little too big on his small frame.

"Huh- Oliver!" Josh squealed, pulling the taller man into a hug. "Where have you been?" He asked angrily, his voice muffled as his face was buried in Oliver's chest.

Josh pulled away, dragging Oliver into the house and, ignoring the confused Dan, Jordan and Tom, sat down on the couch.

"How was your vacation? I need details. Cute girls, guys or enbies, whatevers your spice, uh- Meet any celebrities? Oh wait!" Josh sputtered and stood quickly, rushing away.

Dan snickered from the counter. "He's like a lovesick teenager, I swear to god. 'Oli this, Oli that'. I'm making dinner, you two can come in and sit down."

Josh came waddling back from his room, holding something behind his back with a giddy smile. "I got you something," he said to Oliver with a giggle. "This!" He held out the dilapidated flower, ever so slightly better after its purchase.

"O-Oh." Oliver blushed, taking the flower from Josh's grip. "It's, uh, nice. Thank you." He admired the white rose, with its black and yellow dots, large spots missing petals. Yet, he still found it beautiful. Because it was, really, uniquely beautiful. Or maybe Oliver just loved it because Josh gave it to him.

Dan completed dinner, and the four of them ate the beans and potatoes together, discussing everything from Oliver's "vacation" (as Tom told Josh he was on) and whales.



im up north rn with my famileh for the fourth of july so im like getting my ass beat rn "cOmE cLeAn ThE KitCHeN"

alrighty then enjoy the short chapter

The Dilemma - FransykesWhere stories live. Discover now