Chapter Five and a Half (ADDED CHAPTER)

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*This chapter is an added chapter, I'm sorry for confusing everyone but I feel like the story happened way too fast, and I forgot to make day and nights. So I'm trying to fix that by giving Harry and Violet another day together. Please at least skim over this chapter, it adds to the build up for things to come*

Time passes by and my stomach is still making me feel nauseous. I wonder if Harry purposefully tries to scare me. If he doesn't do it to scare me, I'm sure my fear is an added bonus to his straightforward, harsh remarks.

My thoughts find the way to my family. I can imagine them huddled in my small living room pestering my mother with questions. Where is Violet? When will she be home? Is she with Caleb?

I hear Harry shift his body turning it in my direction. I turn my head quickly to see if he is actually looking at me.

He is. With one hand of the steering wheel and the other on his lap, Harry is looking at me, merely glancing at the road every few seconds.

He frowns and says, "you look upset."

I bit my lip to keep from yelling at him. Instead I tilt my head slightly and respond, "can you blame me?"

"I don't," Harry admits, "But I'm not taking you to Will's, yet. That's tomorrow. So you don't have to be so worried."

I perk up, "where are we going?"

"Does it matter?" Harry snaps at me.

I clench my fists and look back out the window. He's so... frustrating. He switches his moods so fast I can't keep up.

I watch as we speed past the world, the bland scenery and the pointless, repetitive road signs. Everything about the outside world suddenly seems so mundane, that I know longer wish to see it. I just want to be home with my family. Or maybe in a utopia; a perfect world I've read about. The world doesn't even have to be prefect, I guess, I'd be happy enough with no Extincts.

I risk a glance at Harry and I try to figure out what could have made him into and Extinct. His father, Luke, was endlessly nice. I don't know what could've make Harry so... dark. Maybe if I knew about his mother, I'd understand more things about him. I know I shouldn't, but I open my mouth and ask the hazardous question.

"Where is your mom? She doesn't live with your father..." my words are light and they mean no harm.

Yet Harry slams his foot on the break and the car slows down immediately. I quickly am pushed to my seatbelt's limits and I alarmingly look back to see if any cars are near, to crash in behind us. I am surprised to find no car in sight.

When I recover I wearily look up at Harry to see him furiously looking at me. His green eyes frantically scan my face. "I-I"

"Don't ever mention my mother again!" Harry's eyes glare at me for a second before he adds, "or my father for that matter."

I nod, afraid my words will set him off again.

With one last unsatisfied look, Harry presses his foot and we arm in motion once again. Driving slightly faster than before.

Ten minutes after the fight, Harry pulls his Extinct car up to a large building. I read the sign and I understand that it is an apartment complex. The building is made of brick and looks to be seven stories tall.

"Are we um.." I mumble, "are we at your apartment?"

Harry brings his finger to his lip and bites his nail, a habit I have also. "Would you rather me take you to Will now?"

With how bad you treat me, I'm not sure which I prefer. But I know this isn't true. Harry has better intentions then Will does, at least I hope so.

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