Chapter 12 Enlightening Conversation

Start from the beginning

Maruki: Sorry, this went on longer then I expected. Somehow, the conversation just took on a life of its own, I guess...Hey...I've actually got one last request. Do you mind?

Nhzual then opened a big cookie and looked at Maruki.

Nhzual: Shoot.

Maruki: I'm actually doing certain research along my duties as a counselor. It's not quite like counseling, more like a type of psychology treatment...Basically, it's a project to learn more about people's metaphorical hearts. What they think, how they feel. If I get far enough with it, I think it'll be able to help a lot of people! So...?

Nhzual: So...? You gotta tell me more then just that.

Maruki: Oh, sorry! Uh, I guess my point is...I'd like to ask you to help me with that research. All you'd have to do is listen to my theories, and then tell me if they spark any ideas of realization on you end. Please! Any time's good for me. I can work around your schedule. And, uh...I've got a lot of snacks, too! You can have them! They're yours!

Nhzual: Well, I was already going to help you, but the snacks just sealed the deal.

Maruki: Really?!

Nhzual: Yup. But I do have a question. Why me?

Maruki: be honest, sometimes I hit a wall in my research. I've been working on it alone, but ...some second opinions from perspective like yours could really push forward. Oh, and don't worry, I promise to repay you for it. Let's see...I know! Maybe I could teach you some tips for mental training? I happen to know a lot on the subject.

Nhzual: Oh, I wonder why.

Maruki: I'm sure I can cook up a special regimen for you. If you're dedicated enough, I'm sure you could draw out your full potential!

Nhzual: Eh, sure, why not.

Arcana Councillor Rank 2

Maruki: Oh, right! Would it be okay if we traded contract information? I'll contact you when I've got time, or when I need some input from you.

Nhzual: Go for it.

Maruki: Alright then. Thank you again for this, Nhzual.

Nhzual: Eh, it's no problem. Plus, who says no to free snacks.

Nhzual then stood up and picked his bag and the whole box of snacks and walked towards the door.

Maruki: I'll contact you soon.

Nhzual: Right.

After leaving Maruki, Nhzual meet you with the others and they saw him carrying the box.

Ryuji: Dude, what's with the box?

Nhzual: Went to see Maruki, and he gave me snacks.

Akira: Snacks?

Ann: Did you really take the whole box...?

Nhzual: For your information, he gave me the box.

Ann then looked into the box and saw all the snacks.

Ann: Oh, let me have some.

Nhzual: Uh, no. They're mine.

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