I Found A Liquor Store...

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POV: Castiel

It was saturday morning as I entered the police station on less than three hours of sleep and a hangover, hoping no one would notice. That ofcourse is not an option when you work at a police station, especially when one of your colleagues is Gabriel Campbell.

"Goooooood morning Cassy, I see you had a fun night!" Gabriel said as he put his arm around me and walked with me to my desk.

I didn't respond but I let out a soft sigh to show how dead I felt.

"Damn dude, you're breath actually smells worse than you look. Here, take some gum," he said as he handed me an entire pack of minty gums. He then took another pack of gum out of his pocket for himself, this one was more colourful and seemed to be strawberry flavoured.

"Guessing you got some good leads, huh?" I said as I took place behind my desk.

"How did you guess that?"

"Well, first of all, you are more hyper than you normally are, which I didn't even think was possible. Also, you're eating colourful gum again, something Charlie told me you stopped doing. So, what leads do you have?"

"Dude, I have everything. I have all I could possibly know about this person and their past. Now all I need to know is what they're gonna do next."

"How do you plan to figure that out?"

"That..." he said as he turned around and started walking away. "...Is something for me to find out today!"

He left the room and I looked back at my desk, staring at my reflection to my still-turned-off computer screen. "Well, guess I should start doing the same..." I whispered to myself.

I logged in my computer to see if there is any news about new cases where this mystery man might have been. But when I opened my messages I found nothing. I even walked over to a few colleagues to ask around but no, they had nothing.

Would he have just quite? Maybe he left town? Maybe I was almost catching him and he knew and ran away. Why else would he have stopped?

I tried to think more about it but the hangover took over my mind.

'Oh god,' I thought, 'I really shouldn't have drank so much last night.' It was a fun night though. I ended up talking to him untill four am. The bar closed after that so we had to leave. It wasn't untill he was gone that I realised that I didn't even knew his name.

He was an interesting man, that's for sure. Just as much as a mystery as the man I am trying to catch. And I could swear I had seen him before as well. It's on the tip of my tongue. 'Oh, well' I thought, 'no point in thinking about that right now, I have work to do.'

So I thought about him for a few more minutes and I got back to work.


I swear to god I am going somewhere with this story I just like to make it a slow story also it's hard to write this okay I keep forgetting what I wrote before so I have to read back to see what I can write next. probably because I never upload so there is so much time between the chapters. Also yea saturday morning cause I'm pretty sure cops dont have 9 till five jobs. Anyway, favourite disney princes? Mine is probably either Tiana or Moana?

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