Got Any More Advice For A Bored, Stressed Out, Man Like Me?

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POV: Castiel

The following week seemed to be a bit strange. Suddenly, out of nowhere, the mystery man had vanished. I had made sure that if any news about a blonde haired man making trouble should be shared with me as quickly as possible, but for a whole week, nobody told me a thing. I asked around a lot too but nothing.

I thought I was doomed. I thought I'd never find him. That he had vanished. Perhaps he moved away to vandalise a different town.

What would my boss say if I never get to catch him? I'd be screwed.

So I decided to do what any person would do after a long week of not doing much. I visitied the pub.

As I entered the pub, I scanned the room looking for the bar. I made my way trough the room until I was close enough to order a beer and then proceeded to sit on the nearest barstool.

As the barwoman was making my drink I sat and looked over my left shoulder, where a bunch of people where laughing and dancing. Suddenly I heard a voice behind me.

"I'll have whatever he's having, ma'am," the voice said.

I turned around to find a man sitting on my right.

"That would be a beer, sir," the woman from the bar replied.

"Ah, a man of simple taste, I like that," he said as he looked over to me and winked. It was then that I got a good look at him.

"Hey, you look familiar, do I know you?"

"I'm afraid not. But I have been known trough this town so maybe you've seen or heard of me."

"Hm, I doubt it," I replied. He seemed so familiar. Something about his eyes made me think I'd seen him before. His hair didn't seem familiar, though. His hair didn't even seem right. He had black hair and green eyes and for some reason that looked off to me. Even though I have black hair and blue eyes which is probably a stranger combination.

"Are you alright? Is there something on my face?" the man asked as he started scanning his face with his fingers. It was then that I realised I had been staring at him.

"Oh, sorry, no, I was just- Uhm..." I said as I took a sip from one of the drinks the woman from the bar just put infront of us.

"Don't worry about it. I get that a face as cute as this is hard to look away from," he said as he pointed at his face.

"Oh no, I didn't-"

"I'm just kidding! For real dude, how can someone so clever as you be so dull."

"I- I'm not that clever."

"Oh, you must be," he said as he finally started his beer as well. "How else could you become a cop?"

"H- how do you know I'm a cop?"

"I can see it in your face. Your eyes say 'I am here to help' yet your chin says 'I will beat you up if you don't cooperate. That mixed with the sense of justice I can see at the way your arms rest on the bar and the fact you have a badge still hanging on your jacket-" he said as he took another sip of his beer.

I looked down to find that indeed as the man said, I forgot to take of my badge. I removed the badge from my jacket and put it in my pocket. "And here I was believing you were some kind of psychologist, or psychic," I chuckled.

"I am a man of many talents. One of them being an excellent liar."

"That doesn't seem like something you should share with everyone. How can I now ever believe anything you say after this will be true?"

"You can't. Thank God you can't. How boring would life be if you could?"

"Good point. Got any other good points I should know about?"

"How much time do you have?"

I chucked down my beer. "Can I get a refill?" I asked the barwoman. I looked back at the guy sitting next to me, "oh, and one for my acquaintance as well, please. He'll need some hydration for the ammount of talking he's going to do."


Heyo, yeah I know I should post more often but ugh effort oh well anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter. uh oh question of the chapter uuuuh... What do you wanna be when you grow up? And why?

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