I've Never Done It Before So I Think I Can Do It

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POV: Gabriel

I walked back in Charlie's office with a box of donuts.

"Charlez! Got you some donuts! Hope you got something for me in return, if you know what I mean," I said, teasingly as I put the box down next to her.

She turned around. "Ha! You wish you could have this," she teased back as she pointed to herself.

"Yeah, but can you blame me? With that body?"

"Yeah, you got a point, I'm quite irresistible," she said partly as a joke but also partly quite serious.

I have to admit, she sure has some confidence.

I shook my head and and chuckled. "Anyway, I'd love to flirt some more, trust me, I'd do, but I did actually hope you'd have some information for me."

Charlie turned around and immediately went back into work mode. "Yes, I do actually. I found quite a lot. They have a Twitter, more than a thousand followers! Which isn't that much, but for a town with less people than a thousand living in it, that's quite a lot. And they're going fast, only had, like, eight hundred followers last week. They're going viral."


"Yeah, uhm, basically, they're famous."

"Did you get any information? Anything usefull?"

"I mean, more than a thousand active followers. That means like at least one hundred reply under each Tweet. And he Tweets about everything. Here, watch," she said as she shower me a 'Tweet', something I had just discovered the meaning of. In the Tweet they talked about the existening of lemon pie and more importantly, why it shouldn't exist.

"Well, I mean, they have a point. Lemon pie, ugh, the only person I know who ever liked that is Castiel," Charlie said. "But besides the fact that they're able to tell if a pie is good or not, I don't see any use in this Tweet. And they're all like this!"

"Oh the contrary, my dear Watson. This could be very usefull. You say their account is full of this stuff?"

"Uhm, yeah, but I don't see how it's usefull?"

"Every piece of information is usefull when it comes to catching someone. To catch them, I need to know everything about them. Can you print this all out?"

"Print out? All the Tweets? With all the replies? Are you sure you don't just wanna look at them on the computer-"

"No, definitely not. I work better with paper. Technology is... distracting."

"Okay, if you say so, give me a minute and I'll have it all printed out for you," she said as she went and did whatever she did on her computer. "And pass me one of those donuts will you? The good ones, the pink ones."

I did as she said and waited for her to print out the Tweets.

"Good luck," she said as she handed me a gigantic stack of paper.

"Thanks, but I won't need it anymore. Trust me, I got all I need right here."

"Honestly Gabriel, I have no idea how the answer could be in there, but I haven't seen you this confident in a while so I'm guessing whatever your plan is, it'll work. They always do."

I winked at her, and turned around, almost leaving the office untill I realised I forgot something. I walked back, grabbed the box of donuts and ran out of the office before she could call me back for another donut.


Hya, gotta eat dinner so gotta be quick. Uh, favourite movie anyone?

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