Where do I even start?

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POV: Castiel

I was trying to think where to start with this case when Gabriel walked up to me.

"Heya Cassie, did Mikey give you a solo case too or is that just me?"

"Yeah, I got a weird one though. I still don't really understand why I have to do it."

"What you gotta do?"

"Catch a guy who's been pranking all over the state. But he's been stealing stuff too. Little stuff, but still."

"Well, you got it easy. I have to catch a hacker."

"Yeah, Michael told me about that. Still don't get why he choose you for the job. Isn't that more something for like, someone who at least knows how to turn a computer on?"

"Exactly, that's what I said. Like how do you even find a hacker. Stupidest case ever, I'll never find him and I'll lose my perfect record."

"Maybe Michael was just done with you pretending you're better than everyone else."

"I am better than everyone else. I'm the only one here who got a perfect record."

"Well, you were, but that'll end soon if you don't catch this hacker."

"Yeah, I know. I have to find this guy but I don't even know how to start."

"Try the guys at IT, they might be able to help."

"Oh yeah, good idea. Okay, I'll be going then, bye Cassie."

"For the last time it's Castiel."

"I know it is, bye Cassie."

"I swear to God, Gabriel-"

"Yeah, he won't be listening anyway," he said as he walked away.

I decided the best place to start was the last place this mysterious guy had been seen.


I walked inside the diner where the man had played one of his stupid pranks again.

"Hi, I'm officer Novak," I said to the woman standing behind the bar. "I wondered if I could ask a few questions about a guy who I believe came in here yesterday. He tried to convince people he was, and now I hope I got this right but it sounds wrong, 'a cowboy from 1850 who traveled to the future'?"

"Yeah, the cowboyguy. He was here yesterday."

"Now I hope this isn't rude to ask but how could anyone possibly fall for that? And what exactly did he do that it should be any concern of the police?"

"I didn't fall for it but I have to admit he had quite a convincing background story. Also, he broke some stuff. And he had a fake gun with him to complete the story, which frightened some of our costumers."

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that, sorry I've just been reading everything about this guy for the past few hours so it's hard to keep up."

"Has he done this before?"

"Well, not specifically this, but yes, he's been doing weird stuff like this a lot. Is there anything else you can tell me about the whole situation. Were there more people involved or did he seemed to have come alone?"

"Yeah, now you mention it. I'm not completely sure but I think I might have seem him drive off with someone else. Couldn't really see it very well though so I don't know what he looked like."

"Hm, interesting. And you were the only person working that day?"

"No, my daughter, Jo, was working too actually, but she was in the back when it all happened and didn't get to see it, she still hates me for not calling her over," the woman said laughing. "I mean, sure it's bad what he did but you have to admit, it's kinda funny.

"Scaring costumers and breaking your stuff is funny to you?" I asked in a professional tone.

"Well, you must be fun at parties," she said as she continued cleaning the empty glasses. "Well, anyway, are we done here? Cause I do have a bussiness to run."

"Oh, yes, ofcourse," I said as I took a card out of my pocket and handed it her. "If you see or hear anything, please call."

"Will do," she said as she took the card.

I walked out to my car and was on my way back to the station as my carphone rang.

I picked up.

"What is it?"

The woman from the other side of the line started talking. "Guess who hit again."

I sighed. "Where?"

"The supermarket near the cinema."

"On my way," I said as I hung up the phone and made a u-turn with my car.

"Well, I guess he at least gives me more to work with than Gabriel has," I whispered to myself. "Maybe a bit too much."


This is the last chapter I have right now so let's see if this gets more than four reads or something so it'll be worth to continue.

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