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POV: Author

It was about three pm as the older of the two decided it was time to get out of bed. He walked to his mirror and surprised himself as he had almost forgotten that he had given himself a new haircolour.

"Hm," he said, "I guess it really is true that every colour suits me. Maybe I should try blue after all."
Dean, they won't understand this reference it was a few chapters ago and I haven't published for so long.
"What... The FUCK was that?" the man asked in terror as he took the gun out of his nightstand and stood in shooting position.
Whoops sorry, not supposed to do that with you. *Deletes his memory*

The man quickly forgot wherefor he was holding the gun. He put it back in his nightstand and made his way to the kitchen where he found his roommate sitting at the table with his laptop.

"Sup lil bro," the man said as he took some eggs and bacon out of the fridge.

"Goodmorning brother," the man, supposedly the other man's younger brother, replied in a disproving voice. "You're up early", he said sarcastically.

"Yeah, well, you're stupid."

"Nice comeback."




"Anyway," the younger brother said, "what do you think the author was planning for this chapter?"


"My guess is she really didn't know what to write but just didn't want to quit the whole order of chapters."

"Brothermine," the older brother replied calmly, "what the actual hell?"

"Oh, never mind," the younger one replied slightly disappointed in his brother's ignorance.

"Uh, okay... Want some eggs?" the older brother asked as he broke an egg in a pan.

"Nah, I just had a salad. Also, I have some work to do," he said as he gestured to his laptop.

"Yeah, yeah, sure... Work. Well good luck with that."

"Won't need-" the man was quickly interrupted by a quite surprising message. 'Dear hacker,' he started reading.


(Hello. Issa me. This chapter is amazing and no one can tell me otherwise. No but for real I promise the story will get better but uh yeah Sam was right. Egg. Bye. Question of the day: What was your reason whatfor you decided to read this fic today?)

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