Well, They Say Pressure Creates Diamonds

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POV: Castiel

The next morning as I entered the police station I was immediately called into Michaels office. He normally never calls us in unless it's either to assign us a new case or to complain about an ongoing case. And seeing that I was still working a case, I was guessing it was more likely it would be the second.

I knocked on his door and opened it after he told me to do so. He looked at me the entire time as I walked in and sat down.

"You wanted to see me?" I asked as if I didn't knew exactly where this was going to be about.

He put his hands on his desk and looked at me with a look that was either disappointed or angry, either way, not good. "Novak," he said gently, "what the fuck is going on with you?"

"I'm sorry sir, what do you mean?"

"I mean, you have been working this case for heaven knows how long, and you haven't even gotten close to who he is and where he's from. This man, will walk in a public restaurant or bar or you name it, commits a crime, and leaves, and you're telling me you aren't able to catch him? How the hell is that even possible?"

"I- I don't know sir. He's never caught on camera, and beside, the only description I've gotten is 'dark blonde hair and kinda tall'. I mean, that could be anyone. I even walked into someone with that description yesterday. He isn't even trying to hide, if anything, the opposite, yet nobody knows what he looks like. And even if I did, I still wouldn't be able to find him. I guess we could hang up posters, but we both know those never work. Beside, he'd probably just go and terrorize a new town."

"So, what are you going to do about it?" he asked at me, starting to become impatient.

"I- I don't... Keep investigating? I mean, I must find some sort of lead once right? If he keeps going, someone must be able to look at him enough to recognize him."

"Novak, I don't think you get it. This man is starting to become famous. Facebook is full of him. If we don't catch him fast, then everyone will know about how the Lebanon Police Department once more failed to catch simple criminal. I don't just mean in Lebanon. Everywhere! You have to catch him and you have to catch him fast. We can't afford more bad publicity, people just stopped talking about the racist cop and what he did to that kid at Pine street. And we fired him over a year ago! Now the words getting out that the police arrests people who hadn't done anything yet fail to arrest real criminals! We have to catch him Novak, we have to..."

I leaned forward. "Are you okay, sir?" I asked slightly concerned.

"No, ofcourse not, who is? Just get back to work will ya?"

I quickly sat up straight and stood up right after. "Yes sir, ofcourse sir."

"Go to agent Fitzgerald on your way out. I believe he said he had a lead for you. He was working late last night and apparently some guy was doing something in a bar that matches your criminal, except he said there was something weird which led him to believe it might not be him but he wasn't sure. Might be smart if you check it out."

"Oh, yes sir, that sounds interesting indeed, I'll go find him right now."

I walked out the office and closed the door behind me. I sighed. "Well, this conversation sure didn't crank up the pressure. Guess I'll have to go find Garth then."


Ok so I've decided I wanna get to know yall better so uh let's start with where do yall live? I'm from the Netherlands.

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