Agent Campbell, Can You Hear Me?

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About a week had gone by and nothing special happened. A few shops got hacked. A few diners and bars got annoyed. Yet agent Campbell and agent Novak didn't seem to get any closer to catch the criminals responsible, which led them both to become slightly more irritated everyday as they entered the police station.


POV: Gabriel

It was tuesday morning and I entered the police station, slightly irritated from not having been able to catch the criminal responsible for all the hackings. I started to wonder if it even was one person doing this. Untill that tuesday afternoon, when things changed a bit.

I was on my way to the newest crime scene, a clothing store at the end of town, as I got a call.

"Hey, what's the problem?"

"Hello Gabriel? It's Castiel." He sounded confussed, but I was used to him being a bit confussed sometimes.

"Yeah, it's me. And I know it's you Castiel. Why are you calling me though? Don't get me wrong, I love to chat but you never call me unless there is something, especially after I just saw you like, what, ten minutes ago?"

"There is a problem indeed, you need to come back to the station right now."


"We just got hacked."

"What?" I said as I made a u-turn on the road, almost hitting a car. "What did they do? And are we sure it's my hacker? Or hackers?"

"Well, that's the thing... They asked for you."

I had to hit the brakes fast before running a red light. "What?"

"Yeah, I don't get it either."

"What do you mean? They asked for me?"

"They asked for you."

"Damnit Castiel can you be more specific."

The line was quiet for a few seconds. "I'm sorry. I'm a bit tired."

"No," I sighed, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled. But I'm a bit tired too, tired of being pushed around by this idiot hacker, or hackers, or whatever, to get no fucking leads at all. But please, continue talking, what were you gonna say?"

"They didn't get in the files or something, they didn't break open any cells or anything, they just left a message. They just asked for agent Campbell. It's a pretty long message but I'll read it out for you. 'Hey, I would like to order a... pepperoni pizza with... a slice of pineapple. And please send your cutest delivery guy! Talking about agent Campbell ofcourse! (Incase that wasn't obvious.) I know he's not there right now since he's probably on his way to the clothing store, but I have all the time, I'll see him show up when he does. Thank you in advance!' And then he added some sort of heart emoticon behind it, I think... I don't know, it's like an arrow and a three. I'm personally not a big fan of using anything other than letters in text- Anyway, sorry, not important."

"I- I don't even know what to say. She hacked the police station to say hi to me? Really?"

"She?" Castiel asked. "How do you know it's a she?"

"Oh, I don't know, but probably right? With the message she send."

"Yeah, I guess. But not necessarily."

"Anyway, I'm on my way back, I'll be there in about five minutes."

"Okay," Castiel said, which was followed by a short silence.

"You- You can hang up now Cas."

"Oh, okay, bye Gabriel."

"Bye Ca-" I said as the other end of the line hung up.

"Well," I said to myself, "this'll be interesting."


So a lot of yall added my fic to ur readings lists called "fics that need to update" or smth like that so I felt like maybe I should listen to that. Here ya go.

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