Chapter 25

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Leaning backwards on his chair and closing his eyes Neil thought how this whole week has been hectic for him. He hadn't got a chance to talk to Avni nor make a plan to meet up.

This week he had been busy a lot with his work. His workload wouldn't stopped, he also had  managed his depending work in London too. He had spoken to David who keeps Neil updated with  all the business and how it's going back in London but his presence not being in London is really hitting the business.

He thought of speaking to his family about returning back to London before MaNan wedding preparations starts after two months later. He opens his eyes and glancing at the time he thought to take small break.

He stood up and grabbing his phone looks at the screen if he received any messages from Avni but there was none. He sighs and thought how would he break the news to her. He didn't want to upset her.

He walks out of his cabin and headed towards Manik's cabin. He didn't bother knocking and barged inside only to found Manik engrossed on his laptop. He clears his throat gaining Manik's attention.

Manik looks away from his laptop and smiles looking at Neil.

Manik : when did you come Neil? You didn't even knock.

Neil comes inside and took his seat and looks at Manik.

Neil : why do I need to knock Bhai? I just came a second ago. I need to speak to you urgently.

Manik : what's wrong Neil? You look very tensed. Is everything okay? What's the matter?

Neil : Bhai, I was wondering to return back to London. There is so many work depending and I can't complete it remotely. My presence is needed there. My work is getting very hectic over here therefore I'm not able to focus over there.

Manik : Neil, I understand work is too busy and hectic but going to London out of sudden isn't correct. What about mom? What will she think? You returned back from London few months ago Neil. She won't really be happy with this decision of yours.

Neil: I know Bhai. She won't be happy but my employees need me there. I wasn't even planning to stay back in India for too long. I haven't signed up for any new projects because I want to shift back to India once all my other is project. I got David to handle everything back in London but I feel I'm being hard on him too. He's very busy handling everything in my absence. I won't be staying back in London for too long. I thinking to travel back and forth in between two continues to which I will start new projects here and complete my old projects over London. David can handle new projects.  I don't want to exhaust him with too many projects.

Manik carefully listened to Neil and understood where he was coming. He wasn't going to stop Neil from what he wants to do. He very wells knows no one knows between their business. He was worried about his mother reaction. How will she feel if she finds out Neil going back to London.  

Manik's phone rang at the same time breaking his thoughts. He glanced at his phone and looks at the caller id. A realisation hits him when found Nandini calling him. He looks at Neil who smiles and gestures him to answer the phone. Manik took the phone and answered the call.

Manik : hello love.

Nandini : hello mani. I finished my work. Shall I wait for you or headed straight to your penthouse?

Manik : no love. I am also leaving. I'll pick you up then go together there. I have called everyone else too. We will pick Avni up too. Please call her and tell her to be ready. It slipped out of my head to inform her. Can you please wait inside till I get there?

Nandini : okay mani. It's alright. I will call Avni and tell her. I'll wait for you. And yes drive safely.

Manik hummed and ending the call looks at Neil who looked very curious when he heard about Avni's name. He wasn't aware about this plan.

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