{Jaguar Spots.}

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There was a knock on the door of Rosa's room and I looked away from the window when my dad came in. He leaned against the door and gave me a small smile before walking in. He closed the door behind him and walked over towards the bench, sitting across from me.

“Hello mon petit cub.” he said as he looked at me and I stubbornly turned my head to look out the window again.

“I'm not a cub anymore, dad.” I said coldly.

“Oh you'll always be my little cub even after you're sixteen.” he said, chuckling. “My strong willed cub.”

I looked at him, “Dad, get to the point.”

“I know it's hard.” he said, giving me a confused look. “The judgment for always packing and leaving. Ander doesn't understand since he's been here for most of his life. He felt bad after he cooled down and realized what he had said. And I know what's it like for the beginning when finding your mate. You think I liked your mother at first? I was nice enough to by her food and she threw it back at me in my face, accusing me of thinking she was some prostitute and that was my way of payment. Maybe that's why you two always fight, because you're both alike.”

“Dad, where are you going with this?” I asked him.

“I'm going with this—relationships aren't fairytales. You're gonna have rough patches in the beginning and you both may not agree with everything right now. The more you get to learn about each other, the closer you two will get and learn to deal with each other problems.” he said. “You're mom was a pain of the ass and a smartass. I'll admit, it was the beauty at first that drawn me to her but after I learn allot about from her, I fell in love. Get to know Ander instead of fighting already as if you two been married for almost fifty years.”

“Maybe we're just not compatible.” I said.

He chuckled, “Thalia, allot of us aren't compatible. We're animals who fight for leadership. Why do you think we don't run in packs anymore. We learn to deal with each other.”

“But I want that. I want the safeness of knowing I'll be in a good happy relationship.” I said. “I want to know I can be myself and do what I want without being told what to do. I don't want to be like most of the females who stay home and take care of their families. I wanna be independent and free.”

“Thalia,” he said, leaning forward and took my hand in his. He looked me dead in the eyes with a serious look, “It's about what we need, not what you want.”

Disappointed again, I lowered my head and sighed heavily, “And what do we need?”

“For you to marry Ander so we can stay with this family. Peter is willing to let us stay for right now but he wants his son married.” he said. “This is a good family, Thalia. They can teach us allot of things and they have good money. Peter and his wife Gesikah like you but you fighting with their isn't going to help.”

I pulled my hand away from his as I looked up at him, “Ander and I have already talked about this. We agreed to wait until I graduate before thinking of marriage.”

He shook his head, “No.” he said, leaving me confused. “Soon you two will be married. Once you turn sixteen, you'll be able to marry. You know the stories of other Jaguar men kidnapping the unwed girls and forcing them into marriage. You need to be protected.”

“You can protect me, dad—"

“No you need to be taken already and marriage can only do that.” he said and I quickly opened my mouth to protest but he spoke. “No arguments with me, Thalia. I'm sorry but you will marry Ander by the time spring comes. Your mom, me, and Ander parents already talk about this.”

Heart Of A Jaguar.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ