{To Get Back What's Ours.}

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Warning: So this chapter is a little different from my usual stories since it's more 'adult' with a steamy scene but it's what happens during it the main reason for writing it. Also this part of the story where it's two years it's later is focusing on an adult verison of Thalia who's trying to survive as a adult. She's not a teenager anymore. It's not too graphic, I think it's a very soft scene since I never write chapters like this and it'll probably suck. Not use to writing steamy scenes but thought I'll still give a heads up!

We were quickly walking down an alley way when Rian had enough of me not talking or responding to him. He grabbed my arm and turned me to face him, "Thalia, talk to me!" he said, almost begging.

I pulled away, "What the hell were you doing going there? That was a Jaguar hang out."

His eyes widen, "What?" he said, clearly unaware of that. I stared up at him for a moment, my heart quickly rushing in my chest. All these feelings came back as I looked up at him. I wanted to hug him so badly, tell him I miss him, and lets pick up where it stopped but I knew I can't do that. I left to protect him and to get out of his life. It's wrong to just come back in and ruin his life. "What were you doing there?"

I looked away as I brought my hand up behind my neck, "I work there. Tonight was my first night."

"You're only eighteen though." he said.

I looked back up at him as I crossed my arms over my chest, "Age doesn't matter when your a Jaguar,Rian."

"Oh." he said. He looked down at me all the way, "I almost didn't recognize you. Your hair different and your clothes. Your stomach is so tone and I swear your boobs weren't that big last time-"

"Rian," I said, stepping towards him and he looked up at my face. "Why are you here? In the city, I mean."

"I go to Columbia for school in Upper Manhattan. I did say I always wanted to go to New York." he said. He stared down at my as he breathed out heavily, "You're eyes. . .their amazing." I brought my hand up under my left eye, realizing they must still be silver. "Thalia, I missed you so much-"

I walked away, "Rian, don't do that. Just go back home, it's not safe here in Brooklyn at night-"

He grabbed my arm, "Thalia, wait. I haven't seen you in over two years and you wanna separate again?"

I scoffed, "Yes. We should never see each other again. My life is a mess and I shouldn't drag you into it. Go back to your normal life."

"Let me decide if I wanna have you in my life or not." he said coldly. "You think it's best for me but last I checked it's my life. Do you want me in your life?"

I stared up at him for a moment, "You don't understand,Rian. I'm a Jaguar, I can't be with a human. It's to dangerous for you. Now go back to your private school, find a good girl, get married, and have a normal life." I said before walking away.

"Who are you to choose what I do in my life?" he asked, making me freeze. "I don't care, Thalia. I been going out of my mind about you these last two years. I don't think I'll ever be able to be with another girl."

I brought my hands up to my face and groaned, "Rian, you're so naïve!" I turned around as I walked back over towards him and hit his shoulder, "You're so god damn stubborn to. Why can't you realize apart of why I left is so you wouldn't be in danger? Jaguars eat humans Rian and I won't be able to forgive myself if something ever happened to you because of me. I don't care what you say, you're going back to school and-" I cut myself off when I smelt something in the air. I looked across the alley where we entered and saw two Jaguars walking by. They stopped to look at us confused and I bared my teeth at them to keep walking which they did. I grabbed Rian hand, "Come on, we shouldn't be here at night. It's not safe."

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