{Moonlight Comfort.}

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When I came downstairs in the morning I saw everyone downstairs but Rosa and Zander. I sit my bag down on the couch and shrugged, "What?" I questioned.

"You're not going to school today, Thalia." my dad said, making my eyes widen. "Actually, you're not going for the rest of the week. You birthday Friday and you don't know what could happen in the next two days."

I scoffed, "No, you can't do that. I'm still considered okay to go to school. Kave didn't have to stop going to school until his sixteenth birthday." No, they can't do this to me. I'm going to school, I'm spending the next two days pretending to be a normal human girl and they won't stop me. I turned and grabbed my bag. I walked over towards the door but Ander was quickly in my way. I breathed heavily out my nose, "Move Ander."

"Thalia, I think they're right." he said. "Maybe you should stay home. Even, you should be happy to be home from school. No one really wants to go to school."

"Yeah, kids who won't be turning into big Jaguars when they're sixteen. I'm sure by Saturday I won't be able to go anymore. Let me spend the last two days just being normal." I said. I turned to face my parents and held my hands up, "Why are you doing this to me? I'm going to school today, I promise. I was just having a bad day and wanted to clear my head. I'm fine, I promise. Dad?"

My dad sighed heavily, "Thalia, I'm doing this for all of us."

I wanted to snap at him but I knew I couldn't without relieving where I really was yesterday. I breathed heavily out my nose as I pushed my long wavy brown hair behind my ears, "Mom, you agree I should go right? I only have two days left." I asked as I put my hands on my waist.

My mom frowned, "Thalia, you tried sneaking out in the middle of the night again." she said. My eyebrows furrowed together in confusion since I didn't try to do that. "You were sleepwalking and we had to help you back to bed. The day is close, we shouldn't take any risk. Your eyes will soon start to change any hour now and start to lose more control of yourself."

I stared at her for a moment, not believing this was happening right now. When I thought of all people—beside Kavan—my mom would have my side but I guess I was wrong. "I want to go to school, though." I said but they all remained quiet. My lips formed a stiff line as I breathed heavily out my nose and I threw my bag down on the ground. Like a child I threw a tantrum going up the stairs, my feet roughly hitting the ground.


I waited two hours until I went over to the window and lifted it up. Zander went to school and so did Rosa. I waited a little bit longer when I heard the men leave and only mine and Ander mom downstairs. I heard footsteps coming down the hallway and my blood raced before I quickly closed the window. I threw my jacket off before I ran over to the bed and face away from the door.

The door opened, "Thalia." I heard Ander voice. Well, I thought all the men left for work but I guess I was wrong. Peter parks in the backyard parking space but I just assumed Ander went with them. He walked over and sat down next to me, "I know you want to do allot of things before your birthday but this is the right way. I was kept home also and it was a good thing. Even before my birthday, I could feel myself changing slowly."

I didn't turn my head to look at him since I couldn't right now. I wanted so badly to be able to turn to face him, tell him I'm not mad at him, and promise I won't leave. But that isn't what I'm feeling. I'm pissed at him and I do plan to sneak out to go to school. I guess my feelings for Ander aren't are strong as I hoped they would be and I hated knowing for a fact I was hurting him without him even knowing. He had so much trust in me and I was betraying him.

I wish he would understand though is I don't want to be married right now. I want to be with who I choose and maybe if it didn't feel force—I could be with him. Ander is a handsome Jaguar young man, nothing is wrong with him. He's perfect; he has ever quality of being a great husband but it's not what I want. I want freedom of choosing how I live my life. I want to be able to go to school, date who I choose, and do many things. I want to make a ton of mistakes in my life so I can learn from them and be able to say 'yeah, I did that but I learned from it and made me stronger'. I want to experience so many things but I can't do that as a sixteen year old wife.

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