{Getting Through.}

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When I woke up for school on Monday I had such a big headache. I got up from the bed tiredly and looked at the clock on the nightstand next to Rosa's bed and realized it was nine twenty-six. My eyes widen as I felt that similar tickling feeling and I took in a sharp breath. I growled out, realizing they had turned off the clock and must have woke Rosa up for school but left me to sleep! No, their not keeping me home! I'm completely fine, I can control myself and go to school. I'll be able to school with complete control without harming anyone. 

I quickly got up from the bed and got dressed in a gray sweater with dark jeans. I slipped on my sneakers and went over to the door to walk out but I realized something. Someone will try to stop me and I wasn't willing for that to happen. I knew the men were home because it had snowed to hard to work in and they'll only try to stop me. 

I looked at the window of the room and went over. I opened it and threw my bag down to the ground. I slipped my feet through the window and jumped out of it. I laid on my hands and feet a little clumsily but with practice I'll get better. I grabbed my bag and started to go across the house. 

I came face to face with my dad who was leaning against the house. I gasped, taking a step back. I smelt Peter come up behind me and an unwanted growl escaped my lips since I felt threatened. My dad grabbed me and I turned in his arms,thrashing around, "No! I'm going! You can't stop me!" 

He lifted my feet up and I kicked at the air. Peter grabbed me by my legs and held them as they moved over towards the doors that lead down the basement. Peter held my legs together with one arm when he reached down towards the door and opened it. They pulled me downstairs and over towards the cell room. 

"No! No! This isn't right!" I yelled before they put me in the room on my back. I quickly got up, trying to slid around them to get out but they pushed me in and slammed the door shut. I went over to the bars and growled, "Dad! What the hell? Why did you put me in here? I'm not some wild animal! I'm your daughter." 

"It's for the best, Thalia." he said, frowning down at me. "I didn't want to do this but you didn't give me a choice. No more school, you're mom and I already signed you out. All they know is we moved and you no longer go to Harmony High." 

I hit the cage and shook the bars trying to break them, "You can't do this!" 

"We already did." he said. He walked over to the cage, "Thalia, I'm sorry. I love you though to much and I don't wanna risk anything. You knew this would happen so don't fight it. When you accept the fact that you no longer need to go school and decide to behave you can get out of the cage." 

I growled and I could feel my bones in my body moving. It wasn't unbearable painful but it wasn't comfortable either. I lowered my head, crying out as pressure heaved on me. I took deep breaths, "Peter. . .why? Why do you let us stay? I'm haven—haven't been the most behaved girl." 

"I'm willing to give you many chances." he said. 

I lifted my quickly, "What about Kavan! You never gave him this many chances. Why? Because you want me to marry your son?" 

"You don't need to become like your aunt." he said before turning and left the basement. 

He left me alone with my dad and I calmed down a little as I gave him my best sad eyes, "Daddy. . .daddy please." I said. He had to look away from me with a heavy frown on his face. He turned around and went over towards the basement stairs that lead to the kitchen, "Daddy, wait. Please let me out of here. I'm your baby girl, remember? Your little cub. You don't really wanna lock me up in here do you?" 

He was quiet for a moment, not turning around to face me or he knew he would give in and let me out. "I'm doing this because it's the right thing." he said, walking up the staircase. 

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