{No Peace.}

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I made sure the pocket knife was nicely tucked in my back pocket before knocking on Vasco loft apartment door. I heard him walk over and the door swung open.

He smiled as he leaned against the frame of the door shirtless with his jeans hanging very low, "Moon-Eyes, what a pleasure."

I held the envelope full of ten thousand dollars, "I want you to leave me alone. Ten thousand, all cash. Vasco, it's all I have."

He laughed, "You know what I want, Thalia. It certainly isn't money." I breathed out heavily, very frusterated since I just wanted this to end already! There is nothing good about being a Silver Jaguar! I rather be a plain ordinary Jaguar! At least, it wouldn't make me feel like some cursed object.

I growled deeply, "Vasco, enough games. Leave me alone, don't go near anyone important to me."

He brought his hand up to his hair and pushed it back, "Or else?" he asked. My canine teeth sharpened as my hands morphed into claws. I put the envelope in my pocket before I grabbed Vasco by his shoulder and brought my foot up, kicking him back into the loft. He hit the wall on the other side, chuckling as he bent down on his knees. I walked over to him, throwing my fist out but he grabbed it. My eyes widen as his foot came out and I fell on my back.

I quickly stood up, glaring at him. He stepped towards me with an amused look before lounging at me. He tackled me to the ground and I slid my legs up between us quickly pushing him off me. He fell bedside me and I quickly got on top of him.

"Always liked a girl who could take the lead." he said. I brought my claw out against his face, deep red marks going across his face. His amused look dropped as he looked back up at me with glowing reddish-yellow eyes. He tried lifting himself up but I pushed him down. My nails went into his chest as I growled and he cried in pain. He grabbed me by my hair and I winced as he pulled at it roughly. He even pulled a good hunk out when his finger ran through my hair and I cried out as my nails removed from his chest. He backhanded me off him and I crounched as he stood up.

He looked down at his chest, breathing out heavily, "Jeez, I never had this much difficulty with a woman before. Usually I like the challenges but this Thalia--this is a little much. I don't heal as quick as you do."

I growled up at him, "Do you get the point picture, Vasco?"

He stared down at me for a moment before bringing his foot out and kicked me down. I growled, going to the stand up but he brought his foot out to my stomach. I fell down as pain rushed through me as I groaned. He kicked me again, making me cry in pain. I looked at his ankle, watching it come towards me. I grabbed him by his ankle and I quickly bite his ankle. He cried out, trying to pull his leg away. His blood rush into my mouth, having a similar taste as a human but quickly got stronger. Bitter almost.

He finally pulled his leg away, falling back on his back. Blood rushed down my mouth as I pressed my hands against the hardwood floor and pressed myself up. Glaring at him, I stood up and growled at him.

"I raised not to be killer, Vasco. This is my warning, leave me alone. I don't wanna play your games. I will never be yours! You won't ever use me!" I yelled at him. I pointed at him as he glared up at me in pain as he toughed his bleeding ankle, "Enough. Turn your attention to someone else."

"This is my city, I make the rules." he breathed out coldly. "You don't tell me what to do! I tell you and I want you out!"

"We don't have no leader." I reminded him. "And you're the last person I would ever listen to. I don't want any trouble so just leave me alone."

He snorted, "This is my city. Mine." he said. "Mine!"

I stared at him for a moment, seeing the prideful man in those eyes. He truly believe New York City belong to him. He believed it all was his. I shook my head as I turned away, throwing my arm up and down. I walked over to the door as he rant on the city being his. I grabbed the door and slammed it shut as I walked out.

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