{Jaguar Mafia.}

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Aunt Hala and I laughed as we ran in the forest together to stretch our legs. Aunt Hala grabbed onto a tree, climbing up the tree with her human nails that were very strong and sharp. I jumped over large branches and fallen trees. We went up to the Adirondack mountains where most of us like to run.

"You're getting old!" I teasingly yelled up at her as I got further ahead of her. In the corner of my eyes, looking up at her jumping from trees her face morphing into its Jaguar like face. She jumped off the tree near me but I dodged her. I laughed as I fell on my back on the ground as she growled. I quickly stood as she crouched down ten feet away from me. I crouched a little grinning, "I'm only teasing. All the guys love you, you have an amazing figure for your thirties."

She growled at me, giving me a challenging look and I raised my chin at the older Jaguar. She pressed her hands on the ground as her body morphed into a big black Jaguar. Her sliver eyes shinning brightly as the sun was setting above us. I morphed into my Jaguar skin and she ran passed me, continuing on the race.

It felt so nice being in my Jaguar skin. It felt more comfortable than my human skin. I could run faster even like this. We ran around the mountains for awhile, staying clear from the towns where to much people were. Aunt Hala and I would try at least twice a month to come Upstate to run.

Once we got back to the city, I headed to upstate. I ran to Rian dorm building and ran to the back of it. I climb up from the window which was fairly easy for me. I got up to his dorm room where I saw inside him leaning on his bed with some Psychology book in his hand. His roomate wasn't there.

I knocked on the window quickly and he cried out in suprise as his head turned to the window. He quickly got off the bed and walked over to the window. I giggled as he opened the door and jumped in.

"Should have seen your first. 'ahh!'" I mocked his horror expression. He gave me a cold look and I giggled more.

"Not funny. Why can't you just use the elevator?" he asked. "Instead of scaring me at my window. Only murders use windows to come into places."

"Windows are quicker." I told him. I took off my coat and quickly kissed him. "Today was so fun. Have you ever drank three Red Bulls and have your heart racing while you move around allot? Same feeling but this one won't give me a heart attack." I said as I pushed him back onto his bed. He laughed as I climbed onto and kissed him. His arms went around me as we turned on the bed and kissed down my neck.

In the beginning, I was so worried about my relationship with Rian. I was worried about someone finding out I been having a relationship with a human because it's so taboo in our world. Only times we keep humans is for feeding. But two months have passed and things just seem perfect. I can say I never been more happier, it felt just like a perfect dream. It was like I had two different lives. In Brooklyn was my Jaguar one and Manhattan was my wanna-be human life with Rian.


The Jaguars and human in the club danced quickly to the loud music in the club. I turned a blind eyes from the Jaguars flirting with the humans. The club was very dim, a bunch of candles on the wall lit up, and the post-grunge music was loud.

I filled many beer glasses for the Jaguars and worked my butt off. I quickly popped off the caps of bottles, about six in a row.

"Dawn, we need those glasses." I called in the back for her since she was suppose to be grabbing clean beer cups. I waited for her to come through the doors before I realized she wasn't coming out. I groaned as I ran into the back to see her leaning over the sink breathing heavily. I walked over, "Dawn, are you okay?" I asked as I put my arm around her.

She brought her hand up to her stomach as she smiled, "Yeah, fine. I'm...I'm pregnant." she said, smiling widely.

"What?" I questioned since I didn't even know she was seeing anyone. I knew Dawn was a little out there, seeing allot of Jaguar men but I guess I found her being pregnant suprising. "Who's the dad?"

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