{Stupid Dogs, Smart Cats.}

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I couldn't see Rian but I could feel his hands on my thighs. He lifted me up and wrapped my legs around his waist. He pressed my back against the wall and I brought my hands up to his pushed back hair. He brought one hand up and pushed my long brown wavy hair to one side before kissing down on my neck and I breathed out heavily. I felt his teeth softly graze against my skin and his tongue touch my skin. My hands slightly pulled at his hair as my body tensed up but it felt good.

I lowered my mouth down to his neck and pressed my mouth against his skin. I ran my tongue across his skin and he actually shivered slightly because of the tiny barbs on my tongues that felt like sand paper a little but he didn't stop. Against my lips I felt something beating and the tip of my tongue rolled around the it. I realized it was the jugular vein in his throat that I felt.

His mouth moved as he groaned a little. I started to lose control, I knew I was and it happened before I could stop. My teeth grazed against his skin and he moaned a little. My hands came down and wrapped around his body, holding him in a trap as my hand came together around him. My brain was telling me to stop and push him away but my body was doing something else. The vein in his neck pulsed quickly and I could feel his warm hot blood beneath it move. My canines itched in my mouth but they didn't length like an adult Jaguar would.

I slowly bit down into his neck and Rian took in a sharp breath. I had only gotten a drop of blood—a taste! But man was that taste pretty good. It was so good and very mouthwatering. I would have gotten more than a stupid drop if I hadn't caught a smell in the air other than Rian delcious blood. I moved from his neck and he let go of me.

“Thalia, what just happe—what are you doing?” Rian asked when I opened the door. I looked out into the room where I saw Ander back and my eyes widen. He was asking someone something and the girl shrugged, shaking her head. Rian came behind me, “What are you doing—”

I covered my mouth as I turned and ran down the hallway. I pushed passed people and went into a room, locking the door. I was in some office and I heard pounding on the door on the other side from Rian, telling me to let him in. I went over to the window and I opened it. The office was on the first floor so I had no problem jumping from the other side. I was in the backyard and I brought my hand up to the right side of my face to ignore the fire burning as I ran away.


When I woke up the next morning I didn't date leave Rosa's room. I had spent most of the day there, never once stepping out. They knew I was home and they knew I left last night. I didn't care but I didn't need their judgmentle opinions. I was to ashamed with myself for what I did to Rian last night. I had bit him! Actually bit him in the neck—okay more like a poke—and had a taste of what his blood taste like. I was so shaken by it and still am. I think I only stopped was because I realized Ander was there. If I had been a grown adult Jaguar I wouldn't have stopped.

By five o'clock, my mom came in with a plate of food in her hands. My mouthed water because I was hungry but I didn't let it show. She closed the door and locked it as she walked over. She smiled as she crawled on the bed and sat next to me.

“I'm not mad.” she said. “I can't say the same for the others, Thalia.”

“What's Peter and Gesikah gonna do?” I asked. “Throw me out or all of us this time?”

“Their giving you a second chance. They think you're just a confused young girl.” she said, making us both roll our eyes. “I know what it feels like, Thalia. Don't think I don't. I know you want to free and independent. You wanna be normal and live like any other teenager girl. I wanted the same thing. I was scared and would do anything to change being a Jaguar.”

“How long is this lecture going to go?” I asked and she gave me a hard look. “Sorry. Sorry, I know that was rude.”

“Did you think going to the party was a good idea? Ander smelt your scent there so no need to lie.” she said.

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