{You Don't Own Me.}

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I ran upstairs to Rosa's room and grabbed my traveling bag. I threw some clothes inside of the bag and some personal belongings. Rosa looked so confused by what I was doing as I paced in her room grabbing things I could fit into the bag.

My mom came into the room, "Thalia, what on Earth are you doing?" she asked.

"Leaving." I coldly said as I threw some t-shirts into the bag.

"Wh-what?" she questioned. She came over and snatched the bag from me. I gave her a hard look, "No! Aron!" she yelled loudly to my dad. She clung to the traveling bag with pleading eyes, "Thalia, it doesn't have to come to this."

I grabbed the bag and snatched it back from her as I got real close towards her with my hair falling in my face, "It already has." She stared at my silver eyes, her brown ones filled with fear as she looked at me. My dad ran upstairs to the room and saw what I was doing.

He breathed heavily, "Thalia. . .no." he said, walking towards me slowly until I growled. He paused quickly and held his hands up, "You don't need to leave. I know it pissed you off being down there but we were only trying to help."

"Help?" I coldly said. "I'm your daughter! You both did this, remember that." I said as I started to walk around him.

Dad grabbed my arm as he made me look at him, "You're right, you are my daughter. So you're not going anywhere."

I pushed him away from me with one hard push and he fell on his back, "You don't own me anymore!" I yelled before running down the hallway and down the staircase. Ander blocked my way by standing in front of the door and I went over towards him. He knew what was coming so he scrunched his face up ready before my fist landed on his face right under his left eye. He fell back onto the deck and I growled before walking past him.

I put the bag on my shoulder before running down the block towards the woods. It didn't take me long since I was really quick and no one was outside. It was very quiet at night here in Harmony, the only stores open was gas station. I kept looking back as I ran to make sure no one was following me and I was happy when no one was. It wasn't very unusual for Jaguars to run away, my parents probably think I'll be back soon. They hope it won't work out and I'll be begging to come back. And they'll let me-if I marry Ander. But I won't give them that satisfaction. No, I refuse it. Kissing Ander was the last straw. Of realizing I really didn't have any feelings for him. And seeing my parents won't do anything what I ask for. They won't give me what I want and all I want is a normal life.

When I got to the woods, I sniffed around as I walked further in. I tried to find Aunt Hala scent but it was hard with snow everywhere that could be blocking her scent.

"Aunt Hala. Aunt Hala." I called out for her hoping she'll come find me.

A few moments passed and I groaned. I threw my bag down and sat down on a fallen tree. I let my head fall down and brought my hands up to my face. I ran my fingers across my wavy hair, finally calming down after today invents. I don't know what I'm really doing, I just hope their the right decisions and I'm not making a mistake.

I heard someone coming up behind me and my back stiffen. I looked in the corner of my eyes to see a figure of a man and a lump formed in my throat.

"Thalia." I heard a familiar voice that made me quickly stand up and turned around. Kavan was standing only ten feet away from me and my heart skipped a beat. A big smile appeared on my face and I jumped over the fallen tree. I attacked him with a hug, my arms going around his neck tightly. My brother wrapped his arms around my waist, lifting me up from the ground as we chuckled.

When he set me down I took a took back looking at him. He looked the same mostly but there was changes. He was more muscular and his hairstyle was different. He had some tribal tattoo going down his right arm. But he looked every bit like my brother Kavan.

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