{Family and Respect.}

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Aunt Hala turned to me with a grin, "Wanna see something cool?" she asked. 

I nodded, "Sure." 

She stared at me for a second before her face scrunched up and her eyes turned silver. Her face morphed into a Jaguar—well sorta. Her face still seemed human but her nose was like a Jaguar and her skin turned a dull black with darker black spots. I quickly fell back in surprise but caught myself before I could fall off the rock. A cry escaped through my mouth and she giggled. Her teeth weren't straight anymore but all sharpened like a real Jaguar. She brought a morphed up hand up, pushing some curls away from her face. 

She closed her eyes and shook her head. Her face was back to normal with her eyes back to their normal brown color. She laughed slapping my knee with her human hand, "Oh relax, Thalia. The city Jaguars think it's pretty cool." 

I sat up as I reached out and touched her face, "How'd you do that! I didn't know we could do that." 

"Regular Jaguars can't do it, their not that special." she said. "But we're true Jaguars. I'll teach you how to do it. . .you know if you come with me." It was quiet for a moment and I lowered my head. I looked down at my arms that no longer had grayish spots on them. I had normal light brown skin again with peach fuzz hair. My nails were nice and long though, a good length. They were strong and healthy so at least they won't break. "Lets go for a fun." she said, getting off the big rock and I looked at her confused. "A run, duh. Let the wind blow through your hair and stretch your legs. You dad never does these things with you?" 

I shook my head, "No. Mom and him never go out running. Kavan did it once and awhile but we mostly stay inside the house. Dad hates going out to the woods, he says he feels himself losing control when he runs." 

She snorted, "Sounds like Aron. He always been the paranoid type." She held her hand out, "Come on,lets go. It'll feel amazing." I stared at her hand for a moment since I was a little afraid. I wasn't sure how much I would enjoy it but put my hand in hers with a grin and she pulled me off the rock. We started running out of the park towards the woods and it did feel good. My hair was pushed behind me as I ran very quickly in the woods and I jumped over things. I laughed loudly and I heard Aunt Hala laughter since she was ten feet away. 

My vision went a little weird and everything started to seem so focused up. I was able to dodge allot of trees so I don't run into them. It was sort of scary but exciting at the same time. Aunt Hala jumped onto some trees, climbing on them, and jumped to each other one until she jumped off. She landed on all fours and ran over next to my side. 

She grabbed me and made us roll on the ground. We both laughed loudly and I landed on my back. I stared up at the sky, chuckling. I stretched my arms and legs out, feeling so good at the moment. So alive, so free. . . 

That's what I hadn't been expecting. I hadn't been expecting to feel so free and alive. It was such a scary thing, turning into a Jaguar and finding all new abilities. When you don't know how to control them yet anything can happen and I should be more careful like my dad always drilled into my brain but I don't care at the moment. I felt so good. 

I could feel my blood racing through my veins and my heart pounding with excitement. I stared up at the bluish-lavender winter sky through the branches of trees. I knew if someone was to come out here it would be strange to find a woman who was in a t-shirt and jeans and a girl in a robe but I didn't care at the moment. I was enjoying myself looking up at Heaven. Okay, so maybe it wasn't Heaven but I sure felt like it was. 

I laughed as I walked into the Espina's house but then I remember everyone must be a asleep for it being so late. I turned to Aunt Hala, bring my finger up to my mouth, "Shhh." I said before we both giggled. "God I'm hungry." I whispered as I went over to the fridge. 

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