{The Threat Is Real.}

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I went to the club only to get my last six hundred paycheck for dealing with these assholes. I can say, I won't miss it. Roy was a good boss but city Jaguars is something I really won't miss.

Dawn cried as she hugged me tightly, "I know I was cold to you in the beginning but I wish you wouldn't leave."

I rubbed her back, "I know, I know but it's for the best. I'll keep in contact" I pulled away and pat her stomach, "Keep this cub safe. You should think about leaving to soon, the city no place if you want them to have a good life."

She nodded, "I know, I am. I stopped my crazed shopping and saving up. Hopefully when I get enough I'll quickly leave this city."

I smiled, "Good. Call me if you ever need a place to go."

She smiled and hugged me again, "I defiantly will. Goodluck wherever you're going."

When I left the back of the bar into the mess of party goers I grabbed my jacket and threw it on. Feeling eyes on me, I turn my head to see Neve looking at me. I looked away as I walked out of the building. I put my bag around my neck and started to make my way home. Rian leaves the hospital tomorrow which I was happy about. He's gonna go to the school office and do some stuff he needs to leaves school. We'll look for a cheap car and leave. We were thinking maybe somewhere in Arizona, a place I haven't been before. I always wanted to see The Grand Canyon. Rian was thinking Colorado but my family been there already and allot of Jaguar resides there because of the outdoors.

I felt someone behind. I smelt Neve strong perfume and I tossed my head back with a groan, "Neve, leave me alone."

"Where's your pretty human boy?" she asked. "I can see why you like him. Those green eyes, handsome face. What's his name, he looks interesting."

"Look, I'm not becoming your sister in law. I'm leaving soon." I turned my head around to look at her. "You can tell Vasco that, so he can stop with his tantrums."

She chuckled as I turned my head back around, "Oh thank the Gods! I couldn't stand you being in our family." she said as got cold. "But this isn't about Vasco. All the Jaguar having some thing for you. You walk around with your head held up as if you're the shit." she said, making me groan with annoyance. Common female Jaguars problems. All of them fighting with each other for the male attention. "I wonder how the others would react if they knew you were fucking with a human."

"It's none of their business." I said.

She grabbed me by my shoulder and pushed me into an alley. I glared at her as I faced her. Almost drunk, her eyes burnt reddish-yellow, "You know how dumb you are? Bringing a human into this world. They're are food. How could you be blessed with such a gift when you hate what you are!"

My eyes turned silver, "I didn't say I hate myself. I just hate bratty Jaguar bitches like yourself. You city Jaguar have no self control!"

She grinned but still looked annoyed, "Rather be who I am then tamed. Everyone only wants to be your friend because of those eyes!" she coldly said. She pushed me back further and I growled. She brought her hand up to herself, "I'm the beautiful Neve, I help my brother run this place. I'm a strong Jaguar, it should have been me who was blessed! I have the same genes in my family!"

"Well thank God you didn't!" I said. "You're one crazy bitch."

She growled at me, attacking me. She slammed me against the wall and I growled at her. We both growled at each other, making threatful noises. Neve is the last person I wanted to fight with. She's just a spoiled brat who thinks she deserves everything on a silver platter.

"Leave me alone." I coldly told her. "I'm leaving Neve, this is pointless. You won't win against me."

"No." she said. "You know what happened to my last guy? I had to break up with his ass and have him beat because be was talking about you with his friends. He said you were hotter than me." she said, looking hurt but it turned to anger. "You would be much more special than me. Only because of you being what you are! I'm tired of you Silver Jaguars!" she yelled. She punched me in the stomach and I cried out. My hands balled in tight fist, trying to control my anger. She grabbed my by my hair and threw me down onto the ground with a grunt, "Maybe if I kill you, that'll please Vasco. He'll give more territory options since he doesn't want you as a wife anymore."

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