{Picking Fights.}

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When Coach-Whatever-Her-Name told two student to get up and pick team members I was last of course since I'm sure they thought I was some weakling and I'm new. I was on a boy name Tyson team and the team I was on got a blue slash to go around our waist.

Little did they know I love dodge ball.

I suggested being one of the players to go up and get the ball. Tyson was hesitant to let me go first but I talked him into it. I stared at the ball I was gonna get when I felt a pair of eyes on me and I lifted my head up to see Rian across from me with a grin on his face. He was gonna try and get the same ball. I narrowed my eyes on him and I knew who I was gonna get out first.

“Ready. Set. Go!” the gym Coach said and I quickly ran over to the ball. I picked it up and looked at Rian who was half way but paused as he stared at me wide eye since I was very quick to get the ball.

I grinned, walking backwards a few steps before I turned to give the ball to the person behind me. They dodged the ball and I turned to face Rian who dodged the upcoming ball easily and grabbed them. He aimed at a few students and I was getting frustrated because he wasn't trying to hit me.

I grabbed a ball that was coming my way and I threw it at Rian when he wasn't looking. He was a second early though and managed to dodge it. The red rubber ball slammed roughly into the wall, making a loud bam sound and Rian eyes widen again as he looked at me. Another ball came my way and I threw it at Rian. He dodged it again and his face turned hard as he grabbed a ball and threw it at me. I easily dodged it and grabbed it. I held it in one hand and threw it at him but again he dodged it.

It kept going on like that, no one else getting in our way.

“Just give up!” Rian said before he threw the ball with a grunt.

I dodged it and grabbed it, “You just give up!” I hissed as I threw it back.

“Why are you only focused on me?” he asked coldly as he threw the same ball back.

“Because!” I said as I grabbed it and threw it. “Show how much of a loser you really are. Maybe if you wouldn't smoke you wouldn't be out of breath to."

“You have real balls to go up against me.” he said as he threw it back.

I grabbed it and my eyes widen as I looked behind him. He turned his head around and I grinned, aiming at his head as I threw it but he turned his head back right in time for the ball to smack in his face. I watched as the ball bounced off his face and he fell on his back. At first I was shocked and the whole room went quiet as they all looked at Rian.

Then we all ran over towards him. I bent down next to him to see him holding his bleeding nose and him groaning in pain as he turned on his side. Since I do have a conscience I quickly;y felt guilty for what I have done. I didn't think I threw it that hard but telling from the blood flowing from Rian nose I apparently did.

Then it hit me. I smelt that smell of blood hit me in the face like a brick. It made my mouth water up and my hands shook on my knees. To a human the site of blood would have grossed them out but me it was like flowing melted chocolate at the moment. My teeth bared as I stared down at Rian and his eyes opened. He looked right up at me and our eyes met. My eyes widen and I closed my mouth. That woke me up to me realizing I was making almost a purring sound. I quickly stood up to see some of the student close around me staring at me.

I turned and ran out of the gym room. I pressed my back against the wall and I brought my hand up to my chest since my heart beat was speeding up. I closed my eyes as I took deep breaths until my heart beat slowed down. Once I knew I was calmed down enough I opened my eyes and stared up at the ceiling. I hit myself in the head, 'Idiot. Idiot. Idiot.”

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