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Author's Note: I'm having to wrap this story up sooner than I'd like, so forgive me if the ending seems a tiny bit rushed. This chapter will probably be published around the time that my school starts but I'm still trying. Please forgive me. Anyways, on with the story!


The next day at work, Mew and Gulf had been avoiding each other, staying in their own offices and only talking to each other when absolutely necessary. The tension was eating them up and all they wanted to do was run back into each other's arms. But they couldn't. As far as Mew was concerned, they were never going to be able to be together either.

Their workday was coming to an end when Gulf decided he'd had enough. He couldn't work like this. He was distracted.

Gulf barged into Mew's office, catching the latter by surprise, "We need to talk."

Mew blinked a few times, turning his full attention to Gulf, "We do?"

Rolling his eyes, Gulf closed the door behind him, "Yes, we do. Well, you do." He stood in front of Mew's desk, "You need to tell me why you just gave up on us. Why'd you give up on me?"

"I already told you," Mew sighed, "I can't."

Gulf scoffed, "Yes, you can! You can let me in, P'Mew." He took a deep breath to calm down, "I have always been there for you and you have always been there for me. What changed? Whatever it is, we can get through it together, just please," he sighed, "Please don't shut me out."

Mew shook his head, running a hand through his hair, "You can't get caught up with this. With me."

Letting out a sharp breath, Gulf crossed his arms, "If you actually loved me, then you would give me a reason."

With a sigh, Mew stood up and leaned on his desk with his hands. He knew that Gulf need to move on. To let go. And he couldn't do that without closure. So that's exactly what Mew gave him.

"You really want to know why I broke up with you?" Mew gulped, bracing himself.

Gulf nodded, "Yes! That is all I've been asking of you!"

Mew gulped again before telling the biggest lie he'd ever told, "I dumped you because I don't love you anymore."

This was the last thing Gulf was expecting to hear, and his face showed it, "What?"

Going on, Mew shrugged, "You heard me. I was just vulnerable and lonely after I ended things with Air. I just wanted to feel better and you made me feel better. But I'm over Air and I don't need you anymore."

"You don't need me anymore," Gulf repeated, a single tear falling down his cheek. "Right. Because you were just using me to feel better. You took care of me, cared for me, slept with me, made me fall in love with you... just so that you could feel better," Gulf chuckled and sniffled, "Thanks for telling me."

Gulf rushed out of Mew's office before the older boy could get another hurtful word in. He ran back into his own office, shutting the door with excessive force, and sitting down at his desk. As soon as they were in the isolation of their own offices, Mew and Gulf let everything out. They sat at their desks, tears flowing as they both tried to convince themselves that Mew's words were truth. Mew thought breaking up with Gulf was hard, but lying to him about why was ten times harder. Gulf was Mew's entire world. And that's why it was so important that Gulf stay away from him.

Interrupting Gulf's seclusion, Pear knocked on his office door, "Gupi? You ready to go?"

Trying to pull himself together, Gulf wiped his tears away and stood up to open his door, "Yeah, I'm ready to go." He tried to force a smile.

Immediately realizing something was wrong, Pear reached up to hold Gulf's puffy cheek, "What happened?"

Gulf shook his head as he sniffled, "I just," he sighed, "Can we get dinner first?"

Pear nodded, unable to hide her small frown, "Of course. What're you in the mood for?"

Walking out of the building with Pear, Gulf hummed, "Food. A lot of it."

"There's an all-you-can-eat buffet a block away," Pear chuckled, talking Gulf's hand as they walked.

Gulf smiled genuinely for the first time today, "I'm starving."

They reached the restaurant a few minutes later, sitting at an open table to order drinks before getting up to get their food. Gulf filled his plate with pork, chicken curry, and rice while Pear piled her plate with teary vegetables and basil rolls.

Once they each finished their third plate of food, Pear questioned Gulf, "So? What had you so upset earlier?"

As they stepped out of the building to head back to their cars, Gulf sighed, "I finally got a reason out of Mew, but I don't believe him. I keep trying to tell myself that I have closure, but," another sigh, "He's still lying to me."

Pear frowned, "What did he say?"

Gulf paused for a second as tears brimmed in his eyes again, "He said he never loved me and he was just using me to feel better."

"Well that's bullshit," Pear rolled her eyes.

Nodding, Gulf's voice was weak, "I know, but it still hurts, you know? I just want to be with him so bad and I don't know why we can't be together and it sucks." He was quick to wipe away the tear that rolled down his face.

"You say the word and P'Mew's dead," Pear sighed, "It's okay to cry, Gupi."

Gulf shook his head with a small chuckle as he continued to wipe his cheeks dry, "I'm so sick and tired of crying."

As they approached their cars, Pear hugged Gulf tightly, "He's not going to make you cry anymore. Not if I have anything to do with it."

Pulling away, Gulf held a small smile, "I love you, P'Pear."

"I love you too, Gupi," Pear ran her hand through Gulf's hair, "Get home safe, okay?"

Nodding, Gulf went back to his car, getting inside, and driving off. He got back home safely and instantly got into the shower. He rid his body of all the sweat and dirt he'd accumulated throughout the day, observing his nearly fully healed wounds.

Lying in bed that night, Gulf came across a picture in his phone's photo album. It was of him and Mew at the park, having a picnic. Closing his phone, Gulf racked his brain, trying to figure out why Mew would try to say that he never loved Gulf.

Mew wouldn't have gone out of his way, left his business, or left the comfort of his own home just to take care of Gulf unless he loved him, right?

What could make Mew turn his back on everything he's ever wanted?


I hope you enjoyed:):):):):):)

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