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Gulf's first week of work had gone by smoothly, he and Mew getting along better than he could've imagined. As much as he did enjoy his new job, Gulf was more than thrilled to sleep for at least half of his day on Saturday. It was nearly 3:00 in the afternoon when Gulf woke up, sun shining on his face, and body warm underneath his covers.

Groaning and moaning, Gulf rolled around in bed, trying to find his phone. After finally locating his phone, Gulf squinted as he checked the time. 3:06pm.

With a sigh, Gulf sat up and stretched, checking all of his notifications. When he saw that Mew had texted him, his heart may or may not have skipped a few beats. Gulf took a deep breath, and opened the messages.

Mr. Suppasit: Hey Gupi! I forgot to tell you yesterday, but some of us from the office are having a casual dinner tonight for Elle since she just got back to Thailand. Feel free to bring someone, too!
Mr. Suppasit: It's at 7:30 at Patiaala House. Hope you like Indian!

Gulf read over the texts and thought up a few different replies before actually deciding on one.

GupiSounds good! I'll see you there P'Mew :)

Gulf hit send and stood up, walking into his kitchen to fix himself some breakfast. He turned on his Spotify playlist, leaving his phone on the counter, grabbing a bowl from the wooden cabinet, and making a bowl of cereal. Gulf took his time, dancing around his kitchen as he ate his favorite cereal, fruit loops.

When he was finished, Gulf moved into his bathroom, taking a quick shower, and brushing his sugar coated teeth. He kept his towel around his hips as he walked back to his room to browse his closet. Looking through his wardrobe, Gulf couldn't help but feel like he desperately needed to go shopping. Everything was so plain and boring. He, Pear, and Mild needed to get on that right away.

Gulf picked out a pair of ripped, blue jeans, a cute, red button up shirt, and his favorite shoes, a pair red converse. Not wanting to go alone, Gulf sat on his bed, still in his towel, and called Pear, knowing that Mild was studying with Boat for a big test they had coming up.

"What is it, Gupi?" Pear picked up the phone.

Gulf chuckled at the snippy response, "Do you want to go to dinner tonight?"

"Ooh, like a date?" Pear teased.

Gulf sighed dramatically, "Yes. I've been hopelessly in love with you for the last ten years and I desperately want you to notice me."

Pear laughed heartily, "Okay, okay! Where are we going?"

"Well, P'Mew invited me to a dinner with a few people from the office, but he said I could bring someone. It's at Patiaala House."

Pear gasped excitedly, "How could I say no to Patiaala House?! And Mew?!"

Gulf smiled and shook his head at his best friend's reaction, "I knew it was your favorite restaurant so I had to ask."

"When are you picking me up Gupi?"

Gulf hummed and looked at the time before responding, "I'll be at your place in an hour."

"Okay, I'll be ready. See you at seven!"

Gulf hung up the call and got up to get ready, Pear doing the same. Pear dug through her closet, pulling out a cute, flowery, red sundress and matching red flats. She took a quick shower, got dressed, put on light makeup, and wore silver earrings and a necklace gifted to her by Gulf. She then styled her light brown hair in a 'messy' ponytail, and she was ready to go.

The younger university student put in a small pair of silver hoop earrings, putting on a necklace matching the one he gifted Pear after getting dressed and styling his hair. He got in his car, going to Pear's house to pick her up as he earlier promised.

Gulf drove them both to the restaurant, parking next to Mew's car, before getting out with Pear, and walking inside. They looked around for a second before Gulf spotted Mew waving at them from a table in the back. Gulf perked up and grabbed Pear's hand, pulling her to the table to greet everyone.

"Hey, Gupi!" Mew embraced Gulf in a quick hug, not failing to notice the hand holding of the younger two, "And it's good to see you again, Pear." He smiled, leaning down a little to hug Pear before pulling away to introduce everyone.

Mew gestured toward a baby faced man with short, brown hair, "This is Saint."

Saint shook hands with Gulf and Pear, smiling, "Nice to meet you."

"This is Win," Mew moved on, pointing to an adorable boy with a bunny smile.

They went through the rest of the introductions, Gulf and Pear meeting Saint, Win, Bright, Del, and finally; Mew's girlfriend, Air.

The eight of them sat down, eating a few appetizers as they waited for Elle to arrive. A few minutes later, Elle approached the table with a bright smile, going around and hugging everyone.

"We're all so glad you're back!" Saint embraced her tightly.

Elle hugged everyone, getting acquainted with the new faces before sitting down, everyone ordering their entrees and carrying on with their small talk. As the group ate their food and celebrated Elle's return, Mew and Gulf kept stealing glances, and brushing their arms against each other. Every time he would look at Gulf and Pear together, Mew's body would tense up.

"They're such a cute couple," Air nodded towards Gulf and Pear.

Mew couldn't help but to clench his jaw, "They're not a couple."

Air's eyebrows furrowed as she pouted, "Are you sure? They came together and they're even wear couple's necklaces and outfits."

Mew looked over to Gulf and Pear again, taking in their matching red outfits, and how adorable they looked together, smiling and laughing like that. "Yeah, I'm sure," Mew growled before drinking his water.

It was around 11:30pm, and the only ones still at the restaurant were Mew, Air, Elle, Pear, and Gulf. Elle was just getting up to leave when Pear said she was tired and ready to go.

"Well, I think I'm going to head out," Elle smiled, hugging the remaining four before heading out.

"Yeah, us too," Gulf said as he and Pear rose to their feet.

"Aw, okay," Air stood as well, "It was great to finally meet you."

Gulf smiled as the girls hugged each other, "This was really fun. It was great to meet you as well."

"We should definitely do this again," Mew smiled, moving on to hug Gulf, squeezing a little tighter than usual.

Air nodded, "Absolutely."

Mew paid the bill for everyone, walking out to the parking lot with the other three.

"I'll see you on Monday, Gupi," Mew smiled as he opened the passenger door to his matte black Ferrari, letting Air get in, before sitting in the driver's seat.

Gulf and Pear got into the boy's white Nissan, both couples driving off. Gulf dropped Pear off back home, getting into his own apartment around 12:30am. He took a quick shower and put on his pajamas, doing so hazily. Gulf lied in bed, confused as to why Mew was running through his mind.

Gulf tossed and turned, trying to get his boss out of his mind.

His beautiful, kind, intense, delicious, boss.

No. Stop. You cannot think like this. This is bad. Very bad.

And with the thought of all the things he could do to Mew, Gulf had some of the best dreams he'd ever had.


hope you enjoyed :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

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