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After a long week of packing, paying, and stressing, Mew was finally ready to move into his new house. When he woke up this morning, Mew had gone down to the kitchen to find a note on the refrigerator.

'I don't feel like being bothered by your little friends while you move today. I'll be at Earth's place, you can imagine what we're doing;) If you need anything, don't call me. xoxo - Air'

Mew read the note out loud before rolling his eyes and tearing it down. He threw the paper away, made himself some breakfast, and called his friends to help him move into the new place. Gulf, Kaownah, Max, and Zee had all confirmed that they were on the way when Mew got dressed in some simple jeans and a red t-shirt. Zee was the owner of an extremely popular moving company, and he didn't hesitate to offer these services to his friend. Mew got the last of his things together as he waited, thankful to have such amazing friends.

Right before noon, Mew heard a knock on his door, opening it to find his friends, Max and Zee, along with a few of the latter's employees and their moving trucks. They started moving the heavier furniture into one of the trucks, Max and Zee offering their personal vehicles to transport some of the smaller boxes as well.

"I'll go ahead and take the full truck to the house to unload it and come back for the rest," Park, one of the employees informed Mew.

The other boys got back to work before Max, the only one still downstairs, heard another knock at Mew's door. When he opened it, Max was greeted with two slightly confused smiles.

"We are at the right house, right?" Gulf asked.

Max chuckled, "If you're here to help Mew, then yes. My name is Max."

Gulf nodded, "Well, I'm Gulf."

The other boy smiled, "I'm Nat."

The boys walked inside together, Max grinning at Nat, taking a liking to the boy's adorable features, "So, how do you know Mew?"

Nat started yapping before Gulf could get a word in, "Well P'Mew and I met in primary school and we were best friends, but then I had to go to Germany for my dad's job when I was seven. Then I moved back to Bangkok when I turned eighteen and we met again at-"

"What about you, Gulf?" Max interrupted, chuckling at Nat's pout.

Gulf smiled at the interaction, "Well, I work as his assistant at the office and- Oi!" He tried to pick up one of the boxes in the living room, not realizing just how heavy it was.

Max and Nat rushed to Gulf's side, seeing that the boy was clearly in pain, "What's wrong?"

Shaking his head, Gulf took a few deep breaths, "Nothing's wrong, I'm fine. I just have some fractured ribs that're still healing."

Nat frowned, "Take it easy, then. Lift the lighter stuff if you can, okay? Be careful."

"Do you want to ice it?" Max asked.

Brushing it off, Gulf just shook his head, "I'm okay. Thanks, though."

With this, the boys got back to work, Gulf being extra cautious not to lift anything too heavy. A short while later, Mew and Zee came downstairs carrying a large bedframe, packing it into the second moving truck. When they came back inside, they were surprised to see the other boys that had arrived.

"Hey, Kana," Mew jogged over to Gulf, hugging him carefully.

Gulf smiled, pulling away to give his boyfriend a sweet kiss, "Get back to work, mister."

Mew chuckled, "Yes, sir."

They all got back to work, being able to clear out the house of Mew's things in just a few hours. Zee's employees took the trucks to the new house, each of Mew's friends driving their own cars, Gulf driving the BMW that Mew had given him after the accident. When they arrived at the new estate, they each started to move Mew's thins inside quickly.

By the time all of Mew's belongings were in the house, the sun was starting to set. The moving company employees had gone, leaving Max, Zee, Nat, Gulf, and Mew exhausted. The five of them were scattered across Mew's living room, each of them guzzling down a water bottle.

"Guys," Mew stood up with a groan, "Let's go get dinner. I'll pay since you all helped me so much today."

Zee was the first to respond, standing with a small smile, "Sorry, but I have to pick the twins up from swim practice."

Mew nodded and saw Zee out with another thank you, before heading back to the other three, "What about you?"

Max nodded and shrugged, "Yeah, why not?"

"I don't have anything better to do," Nat added.

Gulf nodded, "Where are we going?"

An hour later, the four boys were seated at a booth inside one of their favorite diners, Ruth's.

Mew took a bite of his barbecue before interrupting Max and Nat's unbearable flirting, "We need to do this more often. I haven't seen you guys in forever."

Nat slurped his lemonade and rolled his eyes, "Well yeah, because you're always at the office, Mr. Big Time CEO."

Gulf chuckled, "I like this guy."

Rolling his eyes, Mew grinned, "Well we can hang out this weekend. I'm free on Sunday."

"Hello?" Mew answered, not recognizing the number.

"I talk, you listen," the other man instructed, "You're going to break up with your pretty, little boyfriend and then you're going to start transferring three million baht to the account I sent you on the first of every month."

Confused, Mew scoffed "Why would I do that? No, absolutely not."

The man grinned to himself, "I'm sure you love your family very much, right? And you would hate for anything to happen to them, yes?"

Confusion turning into concern, Mew called his bluff, "You know nothing about my family. Stop this right now."

"Oh, so your parents aren't living in a cute little house just outside of Chiang Mai?" The man smirked at Mew's silence. "Exactly. Your dad's retired and your mom owns her own little bakery, right? And don't even get me started on that pretty little sister of yours-"

"Stop!" Mew's blood had run cold, "I-I'll do it, okay? I'll do it, just give me some time." Mew's heart raced as he ran a hand through his hair, "Why're you doing this to me?"

The man scoffed, "Oh, I don't know. You only made sure that I would never finish getting an education, made my family hate me even more, and robbed me of my source of money."

After racking his brain for a minute, Mew gasped, "No... no, no, no, no, no, no."



Champ chuckled at Mew's realization, "I'll give you two days. I expect you to be broken up with Gulf by then. Good luck. Oh, and don't think I don't have eyes on you, Mew. I'm everywhere." He hung up, unbelievably proud of himself.

Mew was left to panic on the sidewalk, knowing what he had to do, but not wanting to do it. He couldn't just stand by and let harm come to his family, though. And if Champ had eyes on him, then there were definitely eyes on Gulf, and Mew couldn't let any more harm come to Gulf.

Maybe Mew was doomed. Cursed even.

Maybe Mew was never going to be happy.


Just if you were wondering, I'm planning on writing eight or nine more regular chapters and then three BONUS chapters 😁

I hope you enjoyed:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

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