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Quick Note: I'm sorry for not being as active on here in reading and writing. My mother is having a lot of procedures and has surgery coming up so I'm uploading a bit slower than I normally do and I apologize. Please be patient and I'll be sure to read stories and upload often in the future! Anywayssss, on with the story!!!


After taking a week to think things over, Gulf decided he was going to talk to Pear and Mild after school. It was Monday. A new day. Gulf held his head high, and after a pep talk from Champ, Gulf was ready to do this.

Class was dismissed and all the students were leaving when Gulf approached his friends, "Hey."

"You've finally decided to speak to us again?" Pear packed her things up.

Gulf sighed, "I just needed some time. Can we go somewhere and talk?"

"Go where?" Mild asked.

With a shrug, Gulf quickly thought of a small diner down the road, "Let's get lunch."

Pear and Mild looked at each other skeptically before Gulf sighed, "I'll pay." With this, the older two smiled brightly and nodded, unable to say no to a free meal.

They went to the little diner that Gulf had in mind where they were finally able to talk things through.

"I'm sorry for lashing out at you guys," Gulf concluded.

Pear sighed, "And we're sorry for going through your personal stuff."

Mild nodded, "Now can we please hug it out? I missed you."

Gulf chuckled and stood up along with the other two to embrace them in a group hug. They sat down again, Gulf holding a bright smile, "Guess what?"

"What?" Pear took a sip of her vanilla milkshake.

Gulf looked back and forth between his friends and leaned forward a little bit, "I met someone."

Mild's eyes shot wide open, "Already?"

Nodding, Gulf explained, "I don't need to try to hand onto something so one sided. Mew chose Air over me, so until he can let her go, I'm not going to waste time on him."

"Well, that's good," Pear smiled, "So who's this mystery man?"

Gulf blushed just thinking of Champ, "Well, first off, he's like mega hot. And he's so funny and sweet. His name is Champ and I think I may or may not have a little crush on him."

Pear's eyes lit up, "Oh, I think I know who you're talking about. He comes to the café all the time." She intentionally left out the part where she'd seen him on dates with lots of different boys at her work place, wanting to believe that maybe, just maybe, Champ would be serious with Gulf. Pear pulled a concerned face, "I don't know about him."

"Why, what's wrong with him?" Gulf asked, "He's not like a famous serial killer or something is he?"

Pear chuckled, "No, he's just a bit of a player. But who know? He may be serious for you." She shrugged, "Just be careful."

Gulf nodded, "I will."

The three of them finished eating and decided to go back to Pear's house for a study date. Their finals were tomorrow and Gulf was beyond worried that he wouldn't get a high enough score to pass. They helped each other study until their stomachs growled furiously.

"What should we eat?" Mild asked.

Gulf shrugged, "I'm okay with anything." As he spoke, his phone started ringing. Gulf checked the Caller ID and smiled to see that Champ was trying to FaceTime him.

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